Questions tagged [kpartx]

11 questions
1 answer

losetup -d giving : device busy

I am mounting a KVM disk (LVM) following these commands : # losetup /dev/loop0 foo.img # kpartx -av /dev/loop0 # mount /dev/mapper/loop0p1 /mnt # unmount /mnt # kpartx -dv /dev/loop0 # losetup -d /dev/loop0 Problem is when I want to do kpartx -d…
Lucas Kauffman
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Loop back mount a VMDK flat image on a Linux Box

I am trying to loop mount a VMDK flat image generated by VMware fusion. The VMDK file has the -flat extension. I am trying to use kpartx kpartx -av /path/to /my/vmdk but I get llseek error device-mapper: resume ioctl on loop0p1 failed: invalid…
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kpartx verbose info: what does it mean?

When mounting images with the wonderful kpartx in verbose mode it displays some, likely very useful, information: # kpartx -av wheezy_cln.img add map loop0p1 (252:2): 0 131072 linear /dev/loop0 2048 add map loop0p2 (252:3): 0 7825408 linear…
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Deciphering kpartx output

I hope I've posted this in the proper place, if I haven't then please advise me on where to move the post. I've tried deciphering the kpartx output myself but now I'm sort of stuck and in need of guidance. I lack knowledge in many areas and I'm…
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kpartx device to image mapping

I am using kpartx to map the paritions of an image file to device mapper. kpartx maps the image to one of the free loop devices, for example, /dev/loop0 Is there a way to query what image is mapped to which device? for example a command that takes…
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Device file in /dev/mapper/ present even after removing partition with parted

These observations are from CentOS 6.3, 6.4 and 6.5. I have a multipath device with a single partition: # ls -l /dev/mapper/ total 0 crw-rw---- 1 admin root 10, 57 Dec 22 12:52 control lrwxrwxrwx 1 admin root 7 Dec 24 12:22 mpatha ->…
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3 answers

Opening a Qemu/Xen file based VM Image (won't boot after upgrade)

Apart from one Virtual Host still running Xen/RHEL5, all our virtual capability is hosted on KVM hosts with LVM storage devices. I've stupidly attempted an Ubuntu full release upgrade on a guest running on the Xen machine, only to have it install a…
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poor performance with vmdk mounted as loop device even after conversion to raw

Edit 13/12/12 - At this stage it would appear to be related to Western Digital (and possibly others) Advanced Format 4K block sizes. This link goes some way into describing the issue, however the disk I have reports 512 logical and 4096 physical…
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No ouptut from kpartx -av and -l

I am trying to learn how to use kpartx, and am having some trouble. My end goal is to use nested LVMs for virtual machines, where the VM's "/home" is in one nested LVM and the rest of the VM is on a second nested LVM, so I can use snapshots for…
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Backing up LVM volume with multiple partitions

I want to create a backup of a LVM volume (Xen DomU's), however a LVM volume can have multiple partitions and those are dynamic (I cannot guarantee LVM #1 has 1 partition and LVM #2 has 3 etcetera). I'm using kpartx to mount a LVM volume, however…
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Cannot virsh start my VM after a reboot of physical machine..error only a single IDE controller is supported?

I have a VM running under kvm (it is a .img file), the server it runs on crashed hard and restarted and finally got things up... I think I goofed and ran yum install -y qemu-kvm Which I am sure updated a ton of stuff on a very old unpdated os. I…
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