Questions tagged [kernel-modules]

97 questions
1 answer

forcing linux kernel 3 to recognize cdrom as hdX

I have a problem with older version of anaconda linux installer. I have upgraded kernel in my distro, however, when this anaconda boot with this 3.4.52 kernel, can NOT find cdrom. As far as I understand, this is because the new kernel recognize cd…
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Multiple ethernet interface on one ethernet card

First I must say that I am new in linux and maybe I will ask trivial question. My job is to create 8 ethernet interface to be visible in kernel, but all of them should send and receive data through only one real ethernet interface. All of that 8…
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Cannot compile tape kernel module

I'm trying to build IBM lin_tape module for a Ultrium LTO-5 tape device, but it's failing The OS is a Centos 5.4 x.86_64 When I run: rpmbuild --rebuild lin_tape-1.76.0-1.src.rpm It outputs as follows: Installing…
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How do I create a Debian netinst installer that has a 3rd party network driver?

I want to install Debian on a machine, but the kernel and modules in the squeeze netinst module do not support the network driver. I can build a kernel module that works, but: How do I get the same kernel headers used for the debian installer, so I…
Phil Frost
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Is this server missing the kvm kernel module?

Is this server missing the KVM kernel module? (I ask because KVM isn't working properly, VMs are starting and freezing at BIOS) root@box:~# lsmod | grep kvm root@box:~# root@box:~# /etc/init.d/qemu-kvm start Loading kvm module…
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2 answers

systemtap not initializing correctly on Ubuntu 12 (Precise)

I work at a firm with a certain amount of legacy batch-processes. Some of that stuff is really leaky when it comes to database connections. I need to log every process in the system, which opens a database connection. Strace is not a option,…
Bryan Hunt
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PPP kernel module fails to load

I am trying to deal with a problem on a server I don't normally deal with. Out of the blue a script using ppp started failing saying that the ppp kernel module is not loaded. When I try to modprobe it it complains about files missing. Note below…
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How can I add usbip modules on Redhat 6 kernel?

I have RHEL 6 with # uname -r 2.6.32-131.0.15.el6.x86_64 I'm trying to build usbip modules on staging driver. Everything is OK. I have all needed *.ko files. But I cannot add those modules on running kernel. #…
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Virtuozzo 3.x to Virtuozzo 4.x upgrade fail due to modules that wont unload

I have some servers that are running Virtuozzo 3.x on them still. This is VERY old and starting to cause some serious problems. The machines are leased machines in a datacenter in TX while I am in WI so I am trying to upgrade with vzup2date. The…
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2 answers

no network or disk devices in Arch Linux Xen guest during installation

I'm trying to install Arch Linux under Xen as domU (Guest) from Arch Linux official 2011.08 x64 Core iso image. My web hosting offers a SolusVM control panel with ability to install custom ISOs, so I have full control over guest, but not over host.…
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3 answers

Can you update the Linux kernel independently of everything else?

I have a machine which started life on Linux 2.4.x, then was updated to Linux 2.6.x. Now it's been updated to Linux 2.6.18. Each time, only kernel has been updated. The same original set of tools (binutils, glibc...) remain (obviously this is not…
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Loading the 'pktgen' module on Ubuntu Server

I would like to enable and use the pktgen module on Ubuntu Server. I have enabed the module by adding a line containing 'pktgen' to the /etc/modules file. After rebooting it seems that the module is successfully loaded because the directory…
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Why do we need a compiled kernel source tree for compiling modules?

Linux kernel modules don't seem to be portable: they are compiled for a specific version of the kernel (that's why even binary drivers have some source files to be compiled). And you don't just need exactly the same kernel sources, you even need to…
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pcspkr not producing sound using beep (Proxmox): debugging ideas?

I'd like to use the beep command for simple diagnostics for my headless Proxmox-machine in case networking fails. While the BIOS-beep and even the GRUB-beep work fine, issuing beep via SSH does not produce the expected sound; instead, a short…
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ip link add test_team_slave type team_slave - RTNETLINK answers: Operation not supported

Trying to set up teaming on a Crux Linux with a custom kernel. I have teamd and teamdctl already installed on my system, I managed to find kernel modules for teaming and successfully enabled them. Tested it by running ip link add testTeam type team,…