Questions tagged [keepalive]

120 questions
1 answer

How does apache handles connections and requests using worker and prefork mpm modules?

I know that prefork module in apache creates one master process and several child processes to handle connections, my question is: Does each prefork child handles one connection or handles one request per time? and if it handles one connection does…
Hussein Galal
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option http-server-close on HAProxy haproxy-1.5-dev19 will result in Connection: close header sent in response

I basically have the following issue: whenever I add option http-server-close to the haproxy config (either in frontend or backend section), haproxy will send a Connection: close header in the response - which is exactly the opposite of what is…
Bogdan Sorlea
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3 answers

Proxy to keep connection to API alive

On one server I have some 30 PHP sites running under Apache. All those sites use the same (HTTP) API to fetch some data. The API is hosted elsewhere (under my control) The API uses Nginx with keep-alive and the PHP sites use CURL for making the API…
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Nginx keepalive_requests - What value to use for unlimited?

We are using an nginx backend behind a nginx proxy. We use upstream keepalives. They work quite nicely. We were wondering, what value would we set keepalive_requests on the backend to set the maximum number of keepalive requests to…
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TCP KeepAlives with NAT?

We have a Network set up like this: MQTT Client -- TCP Forward (Netscaler) -- TLS Termination + TCP Forwarding (HAProxy) -- MQTT Server For several reasons we needed to turn on TCP KeepAlives in HAProxy, because the client has a huge timeout which…
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AWS API Gateway with Lambda and KeepAlive (persistent connections)

I'm a bit confused about Keep-Alive with AWS API Gateway. Is this something I need to configure? or maybe be careful with this setting? Because I will use API Gateway to execute Lambda functions, and because Lambda price depends on the execution…
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git push fails - permissions and ssh keep alive checked - what else?

I migrated my git server to a new server and now I try to push my data to the new one. Client: Windows, TortoiseGit Server: docker git-server The log when trying to push git.exe push --progress "originNew" master:master Counting objects: 26735,…
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Why can't Nginx reuse connection to upstream while serving sequential requests from clients?

As mentioned in It should be particularly noted that the keepalive directive does not limit the total number of connections to upstream servers that a Nginx worker process can…
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socket_keepalive configuration for mod_jk

I have Apache httpd with mod_jk. I have issue with killed connections after long idling period: Apache stops to respond and each HTTP request hangs for 15 minutes. I tried turn off mod_jk connection pooling (with DisableReuse) and the issue…
1 answer

Linux GRE keep alive

What are possibilities in Linux kernel (?) to work with Cisco endpoint encorporating GRE keep-alives? We have GRE IPsec tunnel set up with another company. We would like to have backup tunnel which should be active when main one dies. So they enable…
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2 answers

KeepAlive in Apache 2.4 interfering with form submissions

I have just upgraded a server to Debian Jessie, which includes Apache 2.4.10 (was 2.2), and PHP 5.6. Now, SSL sites won't submit forms in some circumstances on IE11 and iPad Safari (not sure about desktop Safari). Firefox and Chrome are both OK.…
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HAProxy resetting backend connections

I'm in the process of setting up a series of servers as proxies to our application server, primarily to obscure the application server's IP as part of a suite of anti-DDOS measures. My goal is to have HAProxy accept short-lived HTTP/1.0 connections…
Lachlan Pease
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1 answer

HTTP Keep-Alive puzzle with EC2 Linux, Nginx and Chrome

Please, help to solve HTTP keep-alive problem. Basically, I have amazon-ami linux (v2012.09) on EC2 running nginx (v1.2.6). Chrome (v25.0.1364.99) accesses HTTP page normally, then after about 30 seconds connection dropped (unknown why) as monitored…
3 answers

mod_rewrite+proxy closes connections to backend (keepalive)

We have a fairly typical setup: client <-> apache2 (2.2.22) <-> backend (*). Initially we were using mod_rewrite with the [P] flag in the simplest form: RewriteEngine On ProxyPreserveHost On RewriteRule ^(.*)$…
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Does apaches keep alive time-out reset every time a request is received?

The title of this question is pretty self explanatory, but: Does apaches keep alive timeout reset (as in, start again) every time a request is received? So for example, assume we have a 60 second keep alive timeout: Second 0 - First request…
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