Questions tagged [jmx]

Java Management Extensions (JMX) is a set of tools for managing and monitoring Java applications, system objects, devices, and service oriented networks.

Java Management Extensions (JMX) is a set of tools for managing and monitoring Java applications, system objects, devices, and service oriented networks.

63 questions
1 answer

Cassandra JMX doc pointers

Any good starting URL/pointers for reading up on what could be monitored through JMX on cassandra 2.0? Think off pull data into an existing ELK stack from JMX on new Cassandra clusters, but never really dealt with JMX before.
1 answer

Determine if security software is blocking application process on RHEL Linux

We deployed a networking application implemented in Java 8 on RHEL 7.1. Periodically, the application gets stuck attempting to communicate on non-standard ports. Is there any way to determine if other processes, such as anti-virus, etc., is blocking…
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Gather WebSphere Thread Pool Utilization Data In A Text File

I am running a WebSphere 8.x cluster and would like to be able to more closely monitor my JDBC connection pool utilization. All I basically want to do is run a script every couple of minutes that gathers a few jdbc connection pool metrics and writes…
Tom Purl
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4 answers

Tomcat : Where to configure jmx JAVA_OPTS or CATALINA_OPTS

I have Tomcat installed on ubuntu. I want to enable JMX for monitoring so in I modified JAVA_OPTS as: JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS…
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1 answer

docker tomcat with jmx

I'm trying to create a docker image with tomcat and JMX activated. So I clone this tomcat docker image I exposed the port 1099 and edited the run script as follow: #!/bin/bash if [ ! -f…
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ssh tuneling of blocked port (mmx)?

My iptables block everything except several ports like 80, 22, etc. It's running my java servlet. I need to connect to that servlet using jconsole. I don't want to allow external connections for jmx ports. I should be the only one to be able to…
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Cannot connect via remote JMX

I tried to enable JMX remoting on a Java app running on a server by adding the JVM args…
Andy Shulman
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1 answer

Multiple munin-nodes per machine

I'm collecting statistics remotely through JMX. The munin JMX plugin allows you to select an URL to connect to when aggregating statistics. This allows me to collect statistics from hosts which do not actually have munin-node installed. I find this…
Alexander T
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JVM Max heap size

For an application I use JVM Max heap setting when starting it on both a test environment and a production system. When i connect via JMX to monitor the application I see that the max heap size of production app is not the same as test application.…
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Why are all the tabs except MBeans disabled in JConsole? (when using "Remote Process" connection)

I'm trying to connect to JConsole on a server running: java version "1.6.0_0" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.4.1) (6b14-1.4.1-0ubuntu12) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 14.0-b08, mixed mode) When I connect using the "Local Process" method,…
Kem Mason
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3 answers

Is there any monitoring software able to do almost continued pull and save the average to the DataBase?

Good Day. Like all of you know, (and me) there are a lot of Monitoring software (Open Source or not), I'm talking about Nagios, Hyperic, OpenNMs, Tivoly, Microsoft... Like all of you know, best way to extract info of a Tomcat server is by a…
Carlos Garcia
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1 answer

Any Way to monitor JMX Servers with NetIq?

I ask this question after a search in the site, there's many JMX questions but I think no one with a NetIq involved. In the documentation of NetIq, There's no "module" to check JMX, but I have seen that u can make "custom" modules and "custom"…
Carlos Garcia
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1 answer

What's the recipe for a JMX proxy?

I don't want to have to pick port numbers for the usual JMX remote management property. Is there a standard methodology for setting up some sort of proxy (e.g., via ssh) to avoid the need to to do this?
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2 answers

How can I monitor a JMX based system from a non JMX based client?

I want to monitor a weblogic system which uses JMX via an Erlang client. How can I do this? (Note that I cannot use SMTP as it is disabled and cannot be enabled on the server)
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0 answers

How can I connect to jmx service with ssl authentication using Java Visual VM?

I have Widlfly 10 server and I tried to enable jmx with ssl and authentication. This is the configuration for Java Opts from standalone.conf: JAVA_OPTS="-Xms64m -Xmx512m -XX:MetaspaceSize=96M -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256m…
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