Questions tagged [jailkit]

5 questions
1 answer

Adding a command to all existing Jailkit jails

I am running Jailkit on my server and need to add Mercurial (command hg) to all existing and future Jailkit jails. From what I understand, creating a new jail with jk_init and a profile that includes hg will only make it available in new jails. How…
Paul Peelen
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1 answer

Jailkit/Chroot - Allow Less and More

I have the need to add the LESS and MORE commands to a jailed-user. I've attempted the following and can't quite get it to work: # which less;which more /usr/bin/less /usr/bin/more Now that I know where the binaries are, I do the…
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1 answer

apache userdir jail permissions

On Debian 8 I'm running apache2 in a jailed environment using jailkit and the userdir mod. In current jail setup users can navigate into another users directory i.e /home/jail/home/anotheruser and view files in it but can navigate into folders I…
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0 answers

Jailkit: cannot su to jailed user

As a part of a bigger setup (docker container with safe environment for running python scripts), I need to configure a jailed user. I have looked at different options and decided to try Jailkit. Unfortunately, I have a problem with trying to setup a…
Andrey Sapegin
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1 answer

Is there another way to restrict SSH user other than chroot jail?

I need to create a safe environment for a foreign SSH user that has to have very restricted access to our server. That is: can only execute commands that are allowed can only use specific software that is allowed must not be allowed to…