Questions tagged [isapi-filters]

6 questions
1 answer

Why do web sites in IIS7/7.5 have ASP.NET ISAPI filters enabled by default?

EDIT: Due to the potentially critical nature of the answers to some of my questions below, I am adding this strong warning: Do not remove the filters I speak of here unless you know exactly what it is doing; the security of your application could be…
Andrew Barber
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1 answer

Is there any way to disable an ISAPI filter at the application (NOT site) level in IIS 7.5?

We have a number of applications running under a single IIS site, but one needs to run in a 32-bit application pool due to an old library it uses. However, we can't currently do this because there are two 64-bit ISAPI filters set up on the parent…
Mark Bell
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1 answer

1 IIS box, 2 websites, 1 JK connector, 2 tomcats on another box. How do I make them work together?

I have one website on one IIS 6.0 box working with two Tomcat 6.0.18 instances in another box, working perfectly. I am using JK connector 1.2.28. I now want to have a second website on the same IIS box working with the other two tomcats (Lets say…
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Setting up Confluence on IIS7

I want to get my Conflunce wiki be accessed through specific dns name, "mysrv" for an example. But on mysrv server there is IIS7, hosting several sites. There are separate dns' for each site. OS on mysrv is Windows Server 2008 x64. Confluence is…
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1 answer

How can I make UrlScan test extensionless urls?

If I use UrlScan to block common SQL Injection attempts on asp- and aspx-files, I would do something like this: [SQLInjection] AppliesTo=.asp,.aspx DenyDataSection=SQLInjectionStrings ScanURL=0 ScanAllRaw=0 ScanQueryString=1…
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1 answer

Internal Server 500 Error

I'm having a problem with a particular port on my web server. It's Windows 2008 and running IIS7. When I try to navigate to this particular port, I get an Internal Server Error - 500. I've checked the Event Viewer, and the following error messages…
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