Questions tagged [irc]

Internet Relay Chat is a realtime group text messaging protocol.

59 questions
2 answers

x509 Authentication for SSL IRC

Does anyone know if it's possible to do client authentication with x509 signed certificates on any IRCd server? We'd like to set up a work irc server (yes, that's really what we want), but it'd be a bugger to have it inside our VPN. We know we can…
Tom O'Connor
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1 answer

Is there an IRC server/client that supports integration with Active Directory?

I want to create an IRC server (or some other chat server) for our developers to be able to communicate in a chat room style environment. After doing some searching, I haven't found any solution that provides these abilities: User's nick is set…
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Does IRC use UDP for passing text messages client to server?

I have been told that IRC uses UDP for client to server communication and TCP for server to server communication (in the case of linked servers). It seems that TCP is the better transport layer protocol for text chat since you need a ensure the text…
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3 answers

IRC Services with failover support?

I run a single server (call it 'server A') IRC 'network', and thank to the generosity of some friends, I have been given a second server ('server B') that I can run an IRCd on in order to provide redundancy in case server A crashes. This is fine, I…
3 answers

irc server and web irc-client for debian

I need irc server and irc client with browser interface. Os is Debian. irc server will be used mostly locally and there can be about a dozen remote clients. irc client must be accessible with browser, preferably without Flash/Java plugins. Both must…
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How do you set default IRC channels on a server?

I'm helping to setup an ircd-hybrid server at work and I was wondering how to set some default channels on the server. I've gotten far enough to find how to block some channels with a resv in the ircd.conf file, but I'm not sure how to allow…
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Risks of letting ZNC have my private SSL key

I have a single VPS running a few websites and also my ZNC IRC bouncer. I purchased a wildcard SSL certificate for all my subdomains (this was silly; it would've been much cheaper just to purchase several single-domain certs, but whatever). I have…
Erin Call
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3 answers

Detecting whether or not a user is connected through SSL in IRC

Is it possible to figure out whether or not some user is connected through SSL on an IRC server? I want to figure out a way to restrict individuals who don't connect that way (from joining a specific channel). I'd want the access to be from the…
Evan Fosmark
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1 answer

Amazon EC2 and IRC

I need to be always on IRC and so a few Google searches showed that it was possible with the Amazon EC2 free tier micro instance. Once this free period ends, how much (approx.) should I be expected to shell out for this? My only requirements are…
Roy P
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2 answers

AT&T U-verse IRC, SSH, etc. sessions dropping

AT&T U-verse fiber 24Mbit down / 3Mbit up 2Wire Router Model 3800HGV-B Software Version Our speed is as advertised. The AT&T internet connection is fast. The problem isn't the speed. The problem is our IRC and SSH sessions with…
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2 answers

IRC Server For 50 People?

I've seen this question before and I am sure it will be fine but I want assurance before I do it. I am looking at running an IRC server with 128MB of ram and 500GB of BW. The server will usually handle at least 15 people throughout the whole day but…
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4 answers

Are there any friendly IRC venues for me to ask ops questions?

I'm a programmer -- I know python, and I can work my way around a linux box, but since our company doesn't have anyone in ops, I find myself rapidly over my head when crises happen. Is there an appropriate venue on IRC for things like this? #ubuntu…
1 answer

IRC bot for gitolite?

Does anyone know of an IRC bot that I can hook git repositories up to, or hook directly into gitolite? Do I have to write it myself? CIA isn't an option in this case.
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How can I disable default +t channel mode in ircd-hybrid?

I have a Debian server running ircd-hybrid, which gives every new channel +t flag, meaning that only channel operators can change channel topic. This is not very practical, since we use operator privileges very rarely and makes it complicated to set…
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1 answer

Inspircd + Comodo InstantSSL - can it be done?

I have a new Inspircd server setup for some gaming clans and I want to use a Comodo InstantSSL cert for the GnuTLS connections. I noticed that in the config files you can point to the certs so it should work but what I am confused about is what I…
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