I need irc server and irc client with browser interface. Os is Debian.

irc server will be used mostly locally and there can be about a dozen remote clients.

irc client must be accessible with browser, preferably without Flash/Java plugins.

Both must be debian packets.

The link to good tutorial would be wonderful.

The security needed: minimal is only password protection to access irc-client (web folder password). maximum - access to irc room only by registered and "approved" users.

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3 Answers3


I've used ircd before, and it worked pretty well and was easy to set up. You should already have it in your APT repository for Debian. Also, here's a pretty good page on running an IRC server.

As for the client, there's probably several out there, but one I found is CGI:IRC.

Paul Kroon
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If you want to run everything yourself i run this setup on my own servers, with a regular user account.

  1. Unreal for IRC - its well tested, and not too hard to set up- just read and understand the config files . they need to be downloaded and compiled, and run as a regular user, and started up with crontab.
  2. Anope for services - You need services - it allows for channel ops, admins, and channel protection. You'd prolly need to look up the link block for it in the docs
  3. Qwebirc if you want to have a good modern irc web client you run yourself. Requires a reasonably recent version of python, so if you run stable or oldstable you might need to check.Its relatively new but quakenet, and freenode use it.. My preferences have since changed, and I'd recommend kiwiirc instead. This needs node.js, so a distro with a up to date official/community repository would be awesome

They arn't packaged but this is a stable, well tested, and utterly reliable combination of apps

Journeyman Geek
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Second the vote for ircd for pretty simple setup for a smaller group.

http://www.mibbit.com/ webchat is a good browser client although it may use Javascript. It can be used on an iPhone.

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