Questions tagged [init.d]

The init.d directory contains a number of start/stop scripts for various services on a Linux system.

The init.d directory contains a number of start/stop scripts for various services on a Linux system.

288 questions
2 answers

Troubleshoot if /etc/init.d script would run on startup, without actually rebooting?

I have this script in /etc/init.d that I want to know if it will be run when the system reboots. Is there a way to "simulate" the conditions of a reboot to see if the script will actually be invoked (and to debug it) without having to actually…
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1 answer

Make init script output available without hitting the filesystem

I'm working on an init script for a command which writes extensive activity messages to stdout. The output is only useful for debugging and since it will be running on a Pi, I don't want these messages be written to the filesystem. Is it possible…
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Ceph installs without init scipts. How do I get them?

I have installed ceph in 3 centos7 nodes with ceph-deploy tool. All works good but I haven't any script to manage ceph or radosgw. My /etc/init.d/ folder contains only these: functions, network, netconsole, rdbmap. Nothing else. So I can not run…
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1 answer

Why is a command in init.d script ignored?

As part of my work, I manage a mySQL cluster composed of 3 Ubuntu 14.04 machines. All 3 machines should be identical. On machines 1 and 2, when I run sudo service mysql status, I get a status report with uptime, etc, the equivalent of running…
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0 answers

systemd doesn't honour chkconfig KILL order

I have a init script which has to start and stop both firstly during system reboot. I was able to achieve this by having a appropriate chkConfig START and KILL order. Sometimeback only, I have switched to using systemd. But, I don't want to port my…
1 answer

I have two Mysql servers running on Centos7 . both using different ports. have to manually boot on start.

I need help . mysql on port 3306 and mysql2 on port 3307. I copied my.cnf to my2.cnf I added the following in my2.cnf: datadir=/var/lib/mysql2 port=3307 cp /etc/init.d/mysql /etc/init.d/mysql2 Added to line 138 in vi /etc/init.d/mysql2: --port=*) …
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4 answers

Auto root login in Linux servers

I'm trying to execute a test in different Linux server distros (Fedora, Ubuntu, Centos, etc). I know that there is an init system that can allow programs execution after boot (without login). The problem is that I don't want to have a special case…
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1 answer

How to send a group of command in background

I'm writing my own generic init script, I've taken strategies from here and there and come up with trap 'kill $(jobs -p)' EXIT; until $DAEMON $DAEMONOPTS > /var/log/${NAME}.log 2>&1 & wait ; do echo "Server '$NAME' crashed with exit code $?. …
1 answer

Folder /etc/rc.d was removed from Synology NAS

I was installing the Syncrify package when I created a file to place it in the /etc/rc.d directory, guiding by the following tutorial: But, when I tried to copy the file... I overwrited the directory…
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1 answer

how to add kernel command before mysql startup in linux

I want to add these commands to the Linux kernel before mysql startup (at boot time): echo never> /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled echo never> /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag This is a necessary specification for the…
1 answer

Upstart script runs well with sudo but fails as root user

I have a simple nodeJs upstart service run as, script exec /usr/bin/node /path/to/server.js end script On running with sudo command, it works ~$ sudo service upserv start sg_gui_server start/running, process 19321 When it is ran as a root user,…
Saravana Kumar
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Missing /etc/init.d/ipsec script after installing strongswan 5.3.2 from source

Ubuntu 14.04 (Amazon's Ubuntu AMI). Installed strongswan 5.3.2 from source (latest version in repo is too old and doesn't work). 1 question: 1) Noticed that the /init.d/ipsec (or /init/) script is missing. I'm a linux newb, so I assume this is…
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Cross distro daemon command?

I'm trying to write a script to launch a daemon on both centos and debian. This is the current pseudo script: if [ =f "/etc/init.d/functions" ] then . /etc/unit.d/functions alias STARTSTOPDAEMON=daemon else alias…
Fez Vrasta
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Encrypt ubuntu 14.04 home directory with services accessing them without login

I have few services which gets started as soon as server boots up. Now i would like to encrypt my home directory. Will services work properly if i do so? Code for those services is present in the home directory and accesses some json files, cron…
Kunal Kapadia
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1 answer

How can I start two unicorn services at startup?

I am running both my staging and production environments on the same DigitalOcean Ubuntu box. I have everything working so that each environment can be deployed to its own directory, run a separate unicorn process with separate pid files, and nginx…
Matt Huggins
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