Questions tagged [incrontab]

incrontab is a command from the incron project (inotify cron, for cron based on inotify events) used to manage the crontab for incron

Part of , the incrontab command is used to manage the crontab entries for incron. Unlike time-driven , incrond uses events to trigger execution.

25 questions
1 answer

cron takes UTC time instead of local time

I've a script set in cronjob to run at 00 hours but it runs 5 hours earlier ie at 7PM local of earlier day. I mean it was supposed to run at local 00 hours of local time but it ran at 00 hours of UTC/GMT. timedatectl output …
0 answers

Cron Job Issue - Centos 7 ( Centos Webpanel)

The following cronjob don´t work in my server and I don´t understand the reason Cron: `curl >/dev/null 2>&1`
1 answer

redirect website while making backup

I use incron to create backups for a website, and I like to redirect all requests to an other site when/while my scripts are running. What I have done so far... incron runs some scripts every time I update files in /var/www. First it adds some…
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2 answers

crontab emails me that /bin/bash/ mail or /bin/bash mailx is not found

Update: cron string is now correct in structure. I have the, option configured in my crontab I have this crontask scheduled right now: */5 * * * * root /bin/bash /scripts/db-bkup-test &>/tmp/myDbBack.log; …
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Why am I seeing much more cron jobs in webmin than in `crontab -e`?

I am just starting to learn cron jobs. Basically I am going to use webmin to manage my cron jobs, I am also reading some basic information about cron jobs. So far I've learned that /etc/crontab stores the cronjobs and /var/spool/cron/crontabs has…
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2 answers

Running python script in incrontab in Debian

I have a user, dropbox, that runs the Dropbox daemon, I want to monitor the directories in the Dropbox directory for new files and run a python script when they appear. I have the python script that I know works: $ /home/dropbox/ Trying to…
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2 answers

Trigger a command when two files have arrived in different directories in Centos 7

I need to launch a command when two files from different sources are present. Every file could arrive in different time, but I want to trigger the command when both were received. I have tried to do it with incrond, watching both directories for…
1 answer

crond service running after removing the entry in crontab

I removed the entries in crontab for root and still, I can see the scripts running tail -f /var/log/cron. How can I remove those entries. Output of cron log: CROND[2736]: (root) CMD (/home/centos/aws-scripts-mon/ --mem-avail…
1 answer

php core script not getting called from Crontab

I am using core PHP and written a simple script that needs to be called automatically. For testing purpose I have just written a print statement as below, $host = 'localhost'; $user = 'admin'; $pass = 'password'; $db = 'TestDB'; print ($user); When…
1 answer

What's the difference between /var/spool/cron and /var/spool/cron/crontabs?

This went unmentoned anywhere else I could find, not even in the man page of crontab. what's the difference between them? some people say they don't have /var/spool/cron/crontabs, but one can easily find lots of systems with this path. for example,…
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