Questions tagged [import]

144 questions
1 answer

Alfresco : Import FileSystem permissions w/ Bulk Filesystem Import Tool

I have Alfresco 4.2.c installed on a Windows Server 2012, linked, sync and SSO to a LDAP (working great). I'm trying to use BFI ( to import a filesystem linked to the users of the LDAP…
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Import SQL Dump from Command Line

I have an SQL Backup that has hundreds of individual databases inside of it. The backup is around 70GB in size and I have spent countless hours attempting to restore it on a new machine due to the previous one becoming corrupted. I am currently…
Aidan Knight
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1 answer

Is it possible to import VirtualBox 4.2.12 exported OVA file into VMWare ESX 4?

I have created an OVA file from VirtualBox 4.2.12, and someone tried to import this ova file into VMWare ESX 4. When he was doing so, VMWare ESX 4 promopted: Line 25: Unsupported hardware family 'virtualbox-2.2'. I assumed that the OVA file can be…
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2 answers

Problems migrating ZFS pool from Openindiana build 151a7 to FreeBSD 9.1

I'm currently running Openindiana on ESXi with RDM access to the 2 disks in my ZFS pool. I used to run Ubuntu with ZFS on Linux but since ESXi 5.1 supports my hardware I wanted to move away from that ZFS implementation to a native ZFS system. I…
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mysql: import multiple databases from sql dump with prefix

I have a mysql dump in a .sql file. There are many databases in it with DROP DATABASE and USE commands before each database. On the running server are databases with the same names. I don't want to overwrite them. How can I import all these…
Pascal Rosin
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3 answers

MySQL PHP configuration does not allow LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE

I tried adding lines to my.cnf [mysql] infile = 1 [mysqld] infile = 1 SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "%infile" displays true in mysql. But LOAD DATA does not work. I tried it in a PHP script and in phpMyAdmin. It only works if I start mysql from the command…
Buttle Butkus
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1 answer

Update mysql database with arpwatch textfile database

I'm looking to keep arpwatch entries in a mysql database to crossreference with other information I'm storing based on mac addresses. I've manually imported the arpwatch database into my mysql database, but being a novice with databases I'm not sure…
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Command line import of database using latin1 encoding

I'm using a particular cloud hosting solution (one which i won't name) and they don't provide ssh access so i'm at a whim on how the database is dumped. I downloaded the dump which is packed into a tar.gz file. I discover that this file utilizes…
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3 answers

Getting data from this MS SQL bak file

The following commands restore filelistonly from disk = 'C:\....bak' restore verifyonly from disk = 'C:\....bak' produce this error The media family on device 'C:\...bak' is incorrectly formed. SQL Server cannot process this media family. This…
700 Software
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1 answer

Running mysqlimport on a MyISAM table for hours, Data_length stays at 0

I'm trying to import a fairly large file (5Gb, ~130M records) into a MyISAM table (mysql 5.1.61). It's been running for more than 5 hours now with no errors displayed, and I can see "LOAD DATA INFILE ..." in the process list. However, when I run…
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2 answers

jboss wildcard cert import

I have a wildcard Cert from godaddy that is installed in our network on a 2008 R2 server running IIS. I have several windows servers now using this wildcard cert and importing into IIS was very straight forward. My Issue is that I now have a…
Bill Chapman
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2 answers

How do I import multiple tasks from a XML in Windows Server 2008?

I have all the tasks from a server in a XML file obtained using schtasks /Query /XML ONE>C:\schedtasksBackup.xml Now, I want to import all the tasks in another server. All the info explains how to import o create ONE task at a time, but not…
Eduardo Molteni
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2 answers

Oracle import fails due to NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE setting

I have an Oracle 10 database server and a dump created on another Oracle 10 server. When using the imp command to import the dump to the database: imp 'sys/*** as sysdba' file=c:\[...]\strukt.dmp full=y log=c:\[...]\import.log I get the error…
Mark Szente
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2 answers

Importing large data into MySQL (MyISAM)

I am using the 64-bit version of MySQL 5.5 on a Windows 7 machine. I am trying to import some very large geospatial data files from into MySQL so that I can run queries against it and generate a smaller set of data for my purposes. The…
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3 answers

2GB mysql import

I am running wamp on my local host, the question is, how do I import 2GB mysql database backup file into phpmyadmin. I tried this command in mysql command line mysql -u root -p databasename > D:/database.sql but didn't work, is their any other way…
Niraj Chauhan
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