Questions tagged [hidden]

11 questions
8 answers

How to detect a hidden process in linux?

We have a box we suspect has been rooted at work. The question is how do we find it? I am no system administrator, but I was brought onto the team to resolve the situation and I am curious where good places to look for such as problem might be?…
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4 answers

Hidden Periodic Screenshots on a corporate workstation?

Can anyone recommend something that allows us to take hidden periodic screenshots of a workstation? We have a user who we believe is abusing his computer privileges. We have our suspicions that he may be playing games, etc. We need to monitor his…
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How to get TOR hidden service to work with iptables

I'm running an Arch Linux server which acts as a TOR relay and I would like it to act as a hidden service as well (I want to provide .onion access to my services, I know running a relay next to a HS is not suitable for an anonymous service). My TOR…
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How to restrict or hide users to specific drives only (not typical drives combinations)

How can I restrict users (not admins) to access to specific drives? I know there is gp that allows to restrict typical combinations of drives, like C, A, B, D etc... But I would like to allow all drives, except P: I readed and old method but I would…
1 answer

Elusive Rewrite/Redirect Rule occurring for Apache2, cannot locate anywhere?

i have a server with apache2.2 hosting multiple virtualhosts, with a handful of domains containing a keyword(eg. "foo123") all being rewritten/redirected to another one of my hosted domains. all my other domains work as expected. the problem is that…
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How can a file be visible to a regular user but non-existent to root?

I have asked this question yesterday but it was marked as duplicate and closed because of its context, as it was thought to be an X/Y question, whereas I was just interested in the general matter of "how this could be", as my personal research (on…
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1 answer

Bash script automatic network configuration with hidden wlan

Hello i write a simple bash script that make the network configuration automatically. Only the last step didnt work automatically, to establish the wifi connection. This script work simple. First it write in /etc/network/interfaces the configuration…
1 answer

App_Data is not hidden in IIS 7.5

Got an interesting little issue. On one of our servers in particular, IIS 7.5 is not hiding the App_Data folder; it's serving it directly. Other servers don't have this problem, even if they're set up relatively similarly. That folder obviously…
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3 answers

exclude all hidden files and directories in solaris

Unix newbie could use your help. I'm using Solaris 10 and need to find all files, excluding all hidden files and directories. The ultimate goal is to put this in a script that will delete files 60+ days old on a server. I tried: find . ! ( -name…
anurag kohli
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1 answer

How to hide restricted nginx subdomains?

To hide a restricted location, e.g. location /secret/ { allow; deny all; } one could set error_page 403 =404 /404.html; error_page 404 /404.html; to make impossible to distinguish a non-existing location (404) from a restricted one…
1 answer

Mac Files hidden but visible from Windows PC

I'm new to the forum here. and i am having an issue that is starting to occur more and more over the last few days. With the Macs, InDesign files are created and edited on a day to day basis and some times when one of these files gets saved it will…
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