Questions tagged [haproxy]

HAProxy is an open source, very fast and reliable solution offering high availability, load balancing, and proxying for TCP and HTTP-based applications. It is particularly suited for web sites crawling under very high loads while needing persistence or Layer7 processing.

See also:

2071 questions
1 answer

HAProxy is it possible to force basic auth then select AD server based on user IP?

Here is my context: I have a web application (using HTTPS) which needs users to be authenticated prior to contacting it The application expects an HTTP header to be set (let's name it HEADER) There are ~20 different Active Directory servers…
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Haproxy nbsrv acl not working

The following acl doesn't work for me: acl no_waf nbsrv(to_waf) lt 1 use_backend back-www if no_waf default_backend to_waf I keep getting error 503 (No server is available to handle this request.) instead of being sent to the backend back-www. Any…
1 answer

Connect to upstream/backend via socks5 proxy in NginX/HAProxy

I'm trying to make NginX or HAProxy use proxies while connecting to upstream URLs, something like this: Browser -> Nginx/HAProxy -- SOCKS5 Tunnel --> Remote I wonder if it's possible? Edited: Basically I would like to transparently proxy http…
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HAProxy configuration for blocking IPs for sub URLs

I am new to HAProxy. I want to restrict all to access a sub URL but not for access from few IPs. My Implementation of HAProxy is below and it is not block any IPs/URLs # Listen to port 80. Throw a 301 redirect to port 443 frontend Listen80 bind…
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How to use Haproxy to forward https requests via http

I have an haproxy setup, with a several of haproxy servers that route to a cluster of application servers. I'd like haproxy to do all the ssl termination. Right now https requests are forwarded to application servers as https. So what I'd like…
Rafael Baptista
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3 answers

Force Apache2 web server to listen on a single external IP

I'm trying to force Apache2 web server to listen on a single external IP which belongs to a HAProxy ( so the users have to go through HAProxy to consume Apache2 web server. At the moment (unfortunately) users can access Apache2 web…
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HAProxy to route applications runnig on different ports

Hi I'm trying to configure HAProxy but I'm having some troubles. We have a single server running two applications (odoomexy,odoopepess) one of them running throught port 8069 and the other throught port 8070. Right now we access these applications…
1 answer

Pacemaker add floating IP causes haproxy-clone resource to stop

I have a standard 2 node HAproxy load balancer setup with pacemaker 1.1 (using pcs) and haproxy 1.5. I have 2 floating IP addresses with a constraint with the haproxy service as a haproxy-clone resource. I need to add a new floating IP with the same…
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FTP HAProxy not working on port 21 but 23

I have a simple HAProxy config; frontend on port 21, backend to one ftp-server. the ftp-server is in passive mode, therefore once a control connection is established the data connection is handled by the backend server. Now the problem: if I use…
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Generate CSR in Haproxy to use UCC SSL Certificate

I think there are a simple answer for this but I don't find it. We have a haproxy server running and some ssl certificates working fine for some sites, normally I generate the csr with this command(in haproxy): openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048…
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1 answer

HAProxy route based on API versions

I'm setting up HAProxy and I need to route based on API versions. The issue is that V2 doesnt have the prefix embedded in the router while v1 does. Here is an example. v1 app route = server/v1/path v2 app route = server/path I need to configure HA…
Ray Hughes
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1 answer

How to connecct mysql with two difffrent diffrent port through haproxy

I have 2 mysql server and one ha-proxy server mysql server pointed to haproxy server with diffirent diffrent port ( 3306 and 3307 ) . when i try to connect mysql server tohrough haproxy with port 3306 im abe to connect but when i try to connect…
mohit singh
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1 answer

Using Haproxy as TCP frontend to Nginx (SSL), OpenVPN and OpenSSH. Timing out, no connection

I'm trying to configure Haproxy to run on public port 443 and send TCP traffic to the right place as follow: 2 Nginx instances with SSL termination. Traffic router to either depending of hostname. All web traffic is over HTTPS. OpenVPN OpenSSH I…
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1 answer

HAProxy errors in configuration file

I am trying to configure Pass through SSL using HAproxy but I get a lot of errors here my example error detected while parsing ACL frontend public_ssl mode tcp option tcplog bind *:443 tcp-request inspect-delay 5s …
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1 answer

LDAP server behind proxy

I am trying to set up LDAP server behind proxy. I am using proxy because I have only one static IP address, but LDAP auth is bind to So I want to redirect all requests to LDAP server behind proxy. I am using HAProxy and it…
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