Questions tagged [grub]

Console application permitting the user to choose between several installed operating systems.

346 questions
1 answer

What is the difference between "Kernel messages" and "Messages from the init system and the system logger"

In this blog, it gives a Recommended serial kernel parameters, PCs with video card. console=tty0 console=ttyS0,9600n8 It says Kernel messages will appear on both the first virtual terminal and the serial port. Messages from the init system and the…
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How to boot ZFS root filesystem after setting dnodesize = auto (making grub unable to read the disks)

I have a proxmox (v5.4 I think) installation on top of ZFS in a server with 6 disks. There are 2 pools: rpool in a mirror of two SSDs that has the proxmox root filesystem and some containers and zvols. And the other 4 disks are in another pool (HDD)…
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ZFS RAIDZ1 root on gentoo fails to boot after disk swap

I have a 3-disk RAIDZ1 array with 3 HDDs: # zpool status ... config: NAME STATE READ WRITE CKSUM gpool ONLINE 0 0 0 raidz1-0 ONLINE 0 0 0 sdb ONLINE 0 0 0 …
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Auto boot degraded RAID1 on Debian 10 (Buster)

I want my server to boot without manual intervention on degraded RAID1 from second drive on Debian 10 (Buster). It boots when I detach the second hard disk but it doesn't boot when I detach the first one. I have: lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO…
Trayan Momkov
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GRUB partition accidentially formatted on Ubuntu 18.04

I am facing a case that the the 1MB GRUB partition on an Ubuntu 18.04 server has been accidentially formatted. The server has not been restarted yet. Upon running sudo update-grub the following errors occur: Sourcing file…
2 answers

Ubuntu GRUB installation failed

I am currently in the process of setting up an Ubuntu server but I ran into a few problems... after setting up RAID 0 (two 160GB drives) I tried to install Ubuntu server 18.04.3 LTS but it failed while Installing GRUB I tried "use entire disk and…
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QEMU-KVM: VM will not start with virsh, only with qemu-system-x86_64

I have a vanilla Arch linux VM with disk in qcow2 format. I recently upgraded it and it stopped working. Every time I run $ virsh start Arch I get: Starting version 243.78-2-arch ERROR: device 'UUID=' not found. Skipping fsck mount: new_root:…
1 answer

UEFI PXE NFS boot issue with multiple network adapters

I have a working PXE server which detects the client side as either BIOS or UEFI and boots network clients successfully. The purpose of this system is to network boot physical servers in order to automate the upgrade of firmware etc. prior to…
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How can I get kernel / early boot output over my NVIDIA GPU using CentOS 7?

I recently installed CentOS 7.7 with KDE on a machine with both onboard graphics and an NVIDIA GTX 1080 Ti. I got the proprietary NVIDIA drivers installed, but it was quite difficult as I couldn't see what was happening during boot up past a certain…
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GRUB installing CentOS 7 on CentOS 6 machine with kickstart

I am wondering if someone can provide some help. I am trying to do an automated install (with kickstart file) with CentOS 7 on a CentOS 6 server. However I have failed multiple times so far. I did Google on it, but no such luck... The latest source,…
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Grub stuck at menu until I connect to console using VNC

I installed an Ubuntu 16.04 Server virtual machine on FreeNAS. Everything works as expected, except GRUB. When I reboot the machine with sudo reboot, it does not boot automatically. Every time I have to connect to the virtual machine console using a…
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Editing /boot/grub/grub.conf not recommended - yet how do you then change entries?

For example, our /boot/grub/grub.conf looks like this: ## ## End Default Options ## title Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 3.2.0-4-amd64 root (hd0,0) kernel /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-4-amd64 root=/dev/vda1 ro initrd …
Gary Green
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1 answer

grub2 starts after grub rescue while trying to save my debian server

After screwing up in Debian Jessie (accidentally run rm -R /) my server stopped responding and I decided to reboot. After rebooting grub rescue started and tried to fix it by running the following commands: set root=(hd0,1) set…
Jeroen de Beer
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How to setup bootable RAID 0 on remote server

I have a remote server with 2 identical 500Gb SSD, sda and sdb. A rescue mode is also available from the cloud provider's interface. How to get Debian installed on a bootable RAID 0? I understand I have to boot on the rescue mode and partition the…
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2 answers

grub-pc which "install device" should I chose?

I have been running ubuntu 18 on linode for about 6 months and just did "apt update" followed by "apt upgrade". It asked me which grub file to use, for which I selected "keep current file" as this is what Linode say must be chosen (as they have some…
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