Questions tagged [grub]

Console application permitting the user to choose between several installed operating systems.

346 questions
1 answer

Install grub on mounted kvm image?

I am trying to mount a KVM image on the host machine in order to fix a grub issue however seem to be going wrong somewhere. I have tried the following steps: mount -o loop,offset=32256 /var/lib/libvirt/images/vm1.img /mnt/vm1 mount -obind /dev/…
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2 answers

Grub CLI Arrow Keys Don't Work With IPMI SOL

When I am using the Grub CLI via IPMI sol I am unable to use the arrow keys, as well as some keys such as delete. What happens when I press the Left key I get random 'D' characters appearing, even though it does move the cursor left when the D does…
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grub: Booting Ubuntu off /boot in LVM, broken after upgrade

I have servers I want to upgrade remotely and headlessly from Ubuntu 12.04 LTS to 14.04 LTS. This upgrade has to happen via script, with no interaction. The do-release-upgrade command exits cleanly, however after rebooting the machine ends up at…
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Verify architecture of kernel file

Note: I am NOT interested in the currently running kernel, but on a kernel that I am going to boot and which is in a file in the filesystem. I am going to boot a new kernel. I have prepared grub.conf and run sudo update-grub. I am nearly sure I have…
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1 answer

Where to install GRUB 2 boot loader?

I have: sda and sdb which partitions is forming mirror RAID md0 md1 md2 md3 During update process, I was prompted where to install GRUB boot loader - on sda, sdb, md's or all together? What choice is correct?
Miloš Đakonović
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Regular apt-get update broke grub

I ran a regular update (aptitude safe-upgrade) on my wife's server yesterday (a Hetzner root server with Hardware RAID) and the server hasn't booted properly since. I'm able to boot the server using the Hetzner rescue system (which AFAICS is the…
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Grub giving Error 2: Bad file or directory when I try to locate the kernel

I'm trying to boot a VM with grub-legacy and I'm getting a grub prompt. If I run root (hd0,0) it says Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83, but then if I do kernel /TAB it says Error 2: Bad file or directory type, same for (hd0,1). Any…
James L
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CentOS only detecting 50% of ram on IBM Server

I have IBM server with 16 GB RAM installed. Initially it showed 16 GB with free | grep Mem | awk '{print $2}' but now it shows only 8116136 but it must show 16439208 When I do dmidecode -t 17 | grep Size Size: 8192 MB Size: No Module…
1 answer

VM's Grub menu invisible with XenServer 6.0.2?

I have a dual-boot VM on XenServer 6.0.2 but grub just shows up as a black screen. I can still make a selection and such, but it's just a black screen in the XenServer console. Any ideas on how to make this visible?
John Vrbanac
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2 answers

Which vmlinuz and initrd.img should I use for 'headless' CentOS installation?

I am pondering reinstalling a CentOS Linux server remotely, by installing CentOS' installer into /boot (GRUB) as per this tutorial: Install Linux Servers Remotely I notice that there are two different versions of vmlinuz and initrd.img in…
Nickolai Leschov
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2 answers

Automatic OS rotation using GRUB

I have several test servers that perform unit tests and hardware tests on some PCI and PCIe boards my company produces. These servers are multi-boot with a number of various Linux distributions and Windows editions installed. I'd like to automate…
TJ Mott
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1 answer

KVM virtual machine boot messages

Just wondering if anyone knows of a way to stop the following boot messages with a centos 6.5 vm created with qemu-kvm When I start the vm there is a slight delay as the vm posts the following boot messages: Booting from Hard Disk... Press any key…
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1 answer

grub on debian wheezy doesn't recognise mdraid

We're having a really strange problem when trying to boot from an mdraid on Debian Wheezy. All references online that I can find tell me that grub 1.99 (which is part of Debian Wheezy) should have no trouble booting from an mdraid volume. We're keep…
Tim Stoop
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What is the issue with the boot setup on this raid array?

After a secure erase of /dev/sda (Samsung 840 Pro) I had to setup grub on /dev/sda2 (for some unknown reason the /boot partition is the second one). So I ran something like this: grub
root(hd0,1) //my boot partition is the…
Andy B
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3 answers

How can one choose a new kernel on boot, running a dedicated server?

As part of installing proxmox on a dedicated server running Debian, it installed a new kernel. As part of the install instructions, I am supposed to choose the new kernel in grub. However I dont have a virtual console for accessing the server at the…
Joel G Mathew
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