Questions tagged [graphics-processing-unit]

63 questions
1 answer

Nagios monitoring nvidia on Windows OS

Can somebody give me advice, about monitoring on Nagios. How i can monitor GPU temperature on NVidia graphic card, under Windows 2008 R2 OS?
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2 answers

Restoring raid 5 array after bios flash

I have just flashed my BIOS and now my machine does not detect my raid5 array! It has three 2TB drives in it so that is a LOT of data that will be lost! I have NOT deleted the array and it does not offer me to reboot I'm using Nvidia MediaShield!…
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2 answers

Video memory required for desktop virtualization

I am planning to set up 3 virtual desktops using vmware. I have this server with video memory of 32mb and 32 GB RAM. What is the recommended video memory for this set up and is it possible to upgrade video memory on the server? Thanks in advance.
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