Questions tagged [google-kubernetes-engine]

Google Kubernetes Engine is a cluster manager and orchestrator for running Docker containers. It schedules your containers into the cluster and manages them automatically based on requirements you define (such as CPU and memory). It's built on the open source Kubernetes system, giving you the flexibility to take advantage of on-premises, hybrid, or public cloud infrastructure. It was formerly called Google Container Engine.

535 questions
2 answers

Kubernetes node pool will not autoscale to 0 nodes

I have a rather expensive workload that some colleagues need running sometimes during the weekday (not on any sort of set schedule). I use Google Cloud Kubernetes. It consists of three statefulsets, each with one replica. I've instructed them how to…
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About mixing ports

I have a question. If you try to make a container with rubyonrails, you will suffer Grafana with container3000. What do you do in such a case? I thought about putting puma in rubyonrails (port 80) Recreating the Grafana image. Please let me know if…
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Google Filestore: Recommended limit 500 clients

According to this article: Google suggests that the limit to the number of clients filestore is mounted on is 500. Does anyone have details on why this limit is imposed? Is it just a hardware limit…
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kubectl run fails failed to discover supported resources:

just setup a 3 node cluster on gke and attempted to use kubectl run to deploy a container. I get error: failed to discover supported resources: unable to retrieve the complete list of server APIs: an error on the server…
1 answer

I want to display the GUI of prometheus and grafana on kubernetes

prometheusによるkubernetesのクラスタ監視 Kubernetes Setup for Prometheus and Grafana The following comment was executed referring to kubectl apply \ --filename…
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Unable to install helm on GCE Read-only file system

I am installing my own cluster in order to practice the k8s. I have created cluster on the google cloud. $kubectl get all NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE pod/webapp1-7d67d68676-k9hhl 1/1 Running 0 …
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Controlling access rights on PD that is shared between several Kubernetes services

I have a PD that is shared between two Kubernetes services. Once service runs a server application inside a container currently as root (I will probably change this to, say, user1), the other service runs Docker's Postgres image as postgres. I would…
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GKE - network is not ready: Kubenet does not have netConfig

We are running 11 nodes on GKE and get this error between a few hundred and a thousand times a day: Runtime network not ready: Network plugin is not ready: Kubenet does not have netConfig. This is most likely due to lack of PodCIDR I couldn't find…
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2 answers

Google cloud: failed to delete cluster: compute.instanceGroups.update

While deleting a cluster with: gcloud container clusters delete demo I constantly encounter the following error message: ERROR: (gcloud.container.clusters.delete) Some requests did not succeed: - args: ['Operation [
1 answer

API to update node pool count

To save the cost is there any API so that I can directly hit from the postman to decrease & increase the node pool count of the GKE cluster on GCP. Also, the same API that I can use to automate it through pubsub function. I was trying the below API…
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