Questions tagged [google-authenticator]

Google Authenticator is a TOTP (Time based One Time Password) PAM (Pluggable Authentication Module) which is supported and serviced by Google.

62 questions
1 answer

Google authenticator QR code scan work in any mobile

I'm using google authenticator code for 2FA in my website. Can able to check QR code is scanned from registered mobile number? Now, i can able to scan the code from any mobile
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PAM Ignore Password Prompt Upon Successful Login

I have a CentOS 7 server that uses key based authentication for login, along with using Google Authenticator for two-factor authentication. I am wishing to set it up, so that upon a successful login (the user entered the correct code from Google…
1 answer

Server allows logging in without supplying a password and no ssh keys were exchanged, what could be the reason?

I'm trying to secure an outbound server with Google 2FA solution. For the time being, I'm first configuring everything on a local Vagrant machine and once everything works as intended I'll run it as an Ansible playbook on the remote outbound…
Itai Ganot
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Google-2fa: How to recover an account when emergency codes are not available?

There's a server in my company which is configured with Google two-factor authentication. A user from the company has lost his phone and can't find his emergency codes. What can be done in order to recover his account? Is is possible to enforce 2FA…
Itai Ganot
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1 answer

How to enable Google Authenticator over sshd when already using public key?

I'm running Debian Jessie on a VPS. I want to enable both private key and Google Authenticator to get into the server via SSH. I enabled auth required in both /etc/pam.d/sshd and common-auth It works when I…
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google-authenticator for two-factor-authentication support with openvpn client on linux

I am trying to get openvpn client to work with google-authenticator and two-factor-authentication. I cannot alter the server in any way (i.e. I cannot do password/token concactenation via pam mods, etc). I assume this would require recompiling the…
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Public key authentication plus challenge authentication

I am trying to setup 2-phase authentication based on this guide, but instead of entering the password I would like public key to be involved. If PubkeyAuthentication yes in /etc/ssh/sshd_conf then 2 factor authentication phase is not executed (I get…
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2 answers

How do I create a custom ADFS 2nd factor sign in page?

I have a C# dll that provides HOTP and TOTP authentication. I'd like to adapt this for use with ADFS sign in pages. (I'll share this DLL with you if you like) How do I integrate my authentication DLL into ADFS? I see on this page that it's…
2 answers

Whitelist IP from google-authenticator in sshd pam

My Ubuntu 12.04 server uses the google-authenticator pam module to provide two step authentication for ssh. I need to make it so that a certain IP does not need to type the verification code. The /etc/pam.d/sshd file is below: # PAM configuration…
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sshd AuthenticationMethods to enforce Public Key, Password, and 2FA

I'm following this DO guide on setting up 2FA on your server. It all makes sense until step 3 and 4. Step 3 says to let sshd know about 2FA by editing /etc/ssh/sshd_config and to add AuthenticationMethods publickey,password…
1 answer

Google Credential Provider for Windows with Yubikey 2FA

Can I use my Yubikey hardware 2FA with Google Credential Provider for Windows (GCPW)? At the moment I am asked to sign in again the only option is Google Authenticator, and a few more but the Yubikey option does not seem to work.
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PAM permit works only when dummy suffix is added

I am trying to use PAM to authenticate OpenVPN against 2FA (not important info). Here is my PAM configuration: account required auth required secret=/etc/openvpn/google-authenticator/${USER}…
Mohammed Noureldin
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enabling pam.d/google authenticator/2-factor authentication in sshd prevents EC2 Instance Connect from accessing instance

Question: is it possible to configure SSHD to enforce 2-factor for all users, but also allow AWS EC2 Instance Connect to continue working? AWS has this feature "EC2 Instance Connect" that provides a way to ssh in as a user from the AWS Console. It…
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Google Authentication works on localhost, but not on domain

Google Authentication works on localhost, but not on domain (see attached gifs). Why does authentication work for localhost but not on domain I have added https://www.cpspmo to as an Authorized JavaScript origins URI. Also added the…
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1 answer

sshd_config changes in Ubuntu 20.04

I noticed in in Ubuntu 20.04 in /etc/ssh/sshd_config what appears to be the introduction of a new line on the very 1st line of sshd_config. It reads: Include /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/*.conf What is this line for? I've also noticed that google…
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