Questions tagged [fish]

The fish shell (friendly interactive shell) is an alternate shell for Unix and Unix-like systems (including OS X). Its claims to fame include enhanced syntax highlighting, completion (with auto-suggestions) and high performance.

Fish (friendly interactive shell) is a command-line shell designed to be both smart and user-friendly, with auto-suggestions, fully 256 color support, and web-based configuration. Packages for fish exist for various flavors of Unix. Features that differentiate it include rich syntax coloring, auto-completion of commands and arguments, and a high-performance, multi-threaded implementation.


4 questions
5 answers

How can I set environment variable for just one command in fish shell?

In bash, I can do EDITOR=vim crontab -e. Can I get similar effect in Fish shell?
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3 answers

How do I set $TERM permanently in fish shell?

I use the fish shell. I'm trying to run vim inside tmux with the solarized theme, but the colors are broken unless I run: set -lx TERM screen-256color-bce; before running tmux attach. It's annoying having to run this every day, so I want to set the…
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2 answers

How to retrieve first N and last M lines from input in fish?

I have an input like: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 And I'd like to retrieve only N first and M last lines from this input. For example, if N is 2 and M is 4 I want the result to be: 1 2 5 6 7 8 Lines can overlap, so if N is 6 and M is 4 I want the output to be…
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1 answer

Run commands in fish from bash script?

I have a rather long bash script for setting up a server cluster. I'd like to start switching over to fish interpreter but I'd like to do it in steps. Can I keep my bash script as is and add the fish command to switch to fish prompt and the rest of…
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