Questions tagged [f5-big-ip]

Discussions around F5's BIG-IP security application delivery controller solutions. Ask about configuration, installation, performance, and any other administrative related issues.

F5's BIG-IP platform contains many modules that each do different things, so if you're not sure where to ask your question regarding their products, do so here. This is a generic area for all of their BIG-IP related product lines. Their Silverline cloud and Linerate products should be in separate forums but still feel free to ask here if unsure.

126 questions
2 answers

Big IP F5 outbound HTTP issues

We've tried upgrading from 9.x to 10.2 on our F5 Big IP 3400 and everything went over fine apart from one thing. We're unable to establish any outbound HTTP (80) connections from any servers that are assigned to a virtual server. This is something…
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Predictive vs Least Connection Load Balancing Techniques

I have a windows based desktop application that communicates via TCP to the application servers. (windows 2003). No sticky sessions between client calls. We have exactly 2 servers to load balance and we are thinking to use a F5 hardware NLB. The…
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BIG IP - HTTPS Health Monitor setup

I have a Web site that we have setup a health monitoring pages so we can take our servers in and out of the Big-IP as we see fit. Now we have just moved onto Big-IP and the issue I have hit is that you setup Health Monitors for port 80 and 443, now…
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F5 Networks VPN

I have a Windows 2008 server which needs to establish a VPN connection to a company that is using a product from F5 Networks. They sent a VPN URL, username and password to me for establishing the connection. However, I need this to work from a…
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Outbound SSL connections via F5

I have applications that make HTTPS connections to other servers. Is it possible to somehow use Big-IP so that if the servers request a client certificate Big-IP will add it in? Or can the applications make a regular HTTP request to Big-IP and then…
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URL rewriting for WordPress Network (Multisite) subsite

We have an install of WordPress Network (Multisite) that has multiple blogs running under the url where each subsite is /site2 etc... We have a user that already has a URL…
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BigIP load balanced Rails 3 / Apache app not handling selective SSL correctly?

So here's the setup. I've got a Rails 3 application deployed to two servers, both running Apache2, both with identical VirtualHost configs, both operating on Passenger. There are a few routes in the Rails application that require requests to be done…
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F5 LTM 10.2 and MSSQL 08R2

We have a mirrored SQL server setup with a pair of LTM's holding the mirror VIP. We're trying to setup a health monitor that runs a query against both servers in the mirror and directs traffic to the principal. Right now we have a query running…
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Any load balancers using Chrome's JavaScript engine?

F5 has TCL which is horrific to program. A10 copied. Are there any programmable load balancers out there that are looking forward? Node.js seems to have blazed the trail and proven it works and Google will keep things good on JIT front.
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Connection pooling through an F5 Big-Ip SQL VIP

I've got a Big-IP pool managing a couple SQL servers in an active/inactive rollover approach - there's only ever one in the pool at a time. Initially I was enabling/disabling the nodes in the pool, but I found that due to connection pooling, active…
2 answers

SQL instance through F5 BigIP VIP

We have a SQL 2008 clustered named instance Server01\instance02. The port is set to static 1466. We'd like to be able to connect using the name through a F5 Big IP Virtual IP. We've set up a VIP named Server1 <--please note there is no 0 in this…
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Set up DNS or F5 VIP to send traffic to a specific port

Possible Duplicate: How to use DNS to redirect domain to specific port on my server I have a clustered SQL instance set up at SERVER01\dev08 It's assigned to a static port of 1466. Can I set up something which will let users connect to SERVER01…
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How does F5 Bigip packets route inside/among its route domains?

How does F5 Bigip route packets inside/among its route domains? I have an F5 BigIP device. On that BigIP, I create a test partition called test123, the route-domain, VLAN, self IP of that test123 partition. It is like below: Phenomenon…
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How to detect traffic change and trigger GitLab pipeline?

We have two etcd clusters running in Kubernetes one act as primary(A) and the second one act as backup(B). We also have etcdctl make-mirror in place between these two clusters, now the problem is if we switch traffic from cluster A to B then cluster…
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Is it possible to use "route ADD ... MASK ..." command to exclude an application or website from VPN connection?

Following this question, I was pointed out to this page, where it suggests using the route ADD MASK command to "Add a Static TCP/IP Route to the Windows Routing Table". However, I…
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