Questions tagged [external-ip]

39 questions
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Can't connect PC to an Asterisk Server (IP)

I have to connect an external network to an Asterisk Server who is available with an external IP. I tried to ping the server from the network but it's not working. Meanwhile, it's working for every others network I tried, which means the problem…
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Using Apache2 mod_proxy to different server while keeping .htaccess rules somehow working

I am trying to move a part of my website to an external server. I want this part to be accessible through a subdomain, while still being able to apply RewriteRules (doesn't matter whether thats done by .htaccess or Apache2-.conf files, any method is…
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[DNS][BIND9] Forward to external IP when clients request external domain name

So, I have some dns where I have setting with many internal zones for my domain And I need add record to provider server (host - with configuration files to download, this not some DNS like googleDNS Because his devices requesting…
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Google Cloud External IP (Ephemeral) redirect to another IP for WordPress Admin Page

Recently, i moved my WordPress website to Google Cloud. Today, Google showed a "Recommendation" to change my server for saving some monthly fee. I clicked on it and it changed my plan. I observed that Google changed my External IP Address. When i…
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Proxying an external domain from HTTP to HTTPS on my local machine only

I'm using Apache on Mac. I'm developing a front-end application which runs over HTTPS, and thanks to our security configuration I'm unable to run the application over HTTP. A back-end developer is using their machine to host an API for me to hook…
James Donnelly
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How to setup a forward lookup zone for a external IP

I have a external ip address and have configure the NAT on the router. I am just wanting to know how you setup the External Forward lookup zone and what I need to do with regards to fqdn, do I need just add the external ip in there?
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Unable to access Node Server from external network

I have a VM with two public IPs. I have installed OpenStack controller node on the VM. I have access from the external network to Horizon and Keystone service running on apache2 web server on ports 80 and 5000 respectively. However when I run my…
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Can't reach static IP address from outside the network

I've got a server with two network cards. The first one is configured with an internal IP and everything works just fine. The second one is configured with an external IP and is causing me some trouble: if I try and reach that address from inside…
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vsftpd: ECONNREFUSED when connecting from external ip

I have had a lot of issues when I started setting up a vsftpd server, but this time I can't figure out what exactly is wrong. I have an ubuntu 14.04 server at work running the vsftpd. The server is behind a firewall in a DMZ and has been assigned a…
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Is it a bad idea to allow shared file access through an external IP?

I work for a Social Welfare Center, which consists of 5 institutions, located many kilometers away from each other. 4 of them are effectively connected to a LAN, but one has no access, and I am thinking of opening ports 445 and 139 on a specific…
3 answers

Restrict Tomcat Webapp external access by IP

I am successfully able to access my webapp using the external IP for my server. However I would now like to restrict access to the server by IP. I have added the following in conf/server.xml:
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Configuring bind with reverse DNS in external server

I'm having troubles configuring BIND with the reverse DNS being made by an external server in the hosting company. Lets assume i have a domain "" that should contain 2 nameservers: and I want to use ip…
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Separate server IP addresses to support multiple routes in China

I am told that there are two major (only?) ISP in China - China Telecom (CT) and China Unicom (CU) - and that traffic routed between the two is really slow, almost as bad as traffic that has to cross the Great Firewall. To work around this problem,…
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Additional external IP address is not reachable when acitvating NAT

I am running a Windows Server 2008 R2 with 3 nics (2 with external IPs, 1 with internal IP). The two external IPs are associated with two web sites running on that server. The third nic is for communication with a backend server. Everything is…
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Hyper-v pass to WMs web-server not throw external ip

There is server with Hyper-v. We would like split them to several virtual machine's. Each machine has own web server. There is any solution pass to Webserver not throw external ip(buying them)?
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