Questions tagged [ext3]

ext3 is the default file system for many Linux distributions.

ext3 offers many features as a file system - journaling as well as very efficient directory indices.

283 questions
2 answers

Data Recovery from external drive that used to be ext3 but then was formatted

Someone brought me an external hard drive that used to have ext3 partitions. He said that he was trying to install fedora core 10 on his machine, and left the external drive with his backups plugged in. During the partition selection screen, he said…
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0 answers

Behaviour of ext3 filesystem when it hits %100

We had an unexpected increase on one of our mount points (~40GB) on a old RHEL 4 server (2.6.9-89.0.2 x86_64 kernel). It hit %100 usage ( Size and Used both said 37G, Avail said 0) as per df -h. I found a directory that appeared to unused (some old…
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1 answer

Prevent corruption on ext3 Linux Vms running on Xenserver after Equallogic hung for 45 minutes

I face a problem today with my Storage Equallogic PS4000E, they get stucked for 45 minutes then goes up and running normally, no logs, no nothing to help us discover what happens. Well, I run a Xenserver with 2 server Pool ver. 5.6 SP2, after this…
2 answers

read-only symlinks replaced with file when edited

I'm about to make a copy of a website (templates) Would it be possible to make symlinks, so changes in the original is reflected in the copy, but if I edit the copy, the symlink is replaced with the new version, and the original remains the…
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Having trouble mounting an mdadm array. Corrupted Filesytem?

I have a server that crashed and won't power on. I don't care about the server, but I'd like to recover the data attached to 2 external usb drives that were mirrored (raid 1) using mdadm. This system is about 3 years old and was running fedora and…
1 answer

Huge /var/log directory inode in ext3 after creating and removing many files

I have Debian Jessie, /var/log on root partition of type ext3 (rw,relatime,data=ordered). Four days ago logrotate dumped tens of thousands files, this was fixed and files deleted. After this: # du -hc /var/log/ 511M total Files and…
0 answers

change file system from ext3 to ext4 effict on MySQL

I have a situation where MySQL was installed in Linux with a ext3 file system. One table (InnoDB) reached the maximum size allowed for ext3 (2 TB) , insert statement gave "The table 'foo' is full". I have changed the file system from ext3 to ext4…
1 answer

Why hasn't disk usage decreased by 6,728k after hard linking a file away?

Given this sequence of commands… $ pwd /data/backup/rsnapshot $ sudo du -csk daily.{2,3}/ruminant 1195040 daily.2/ruminant 36712 daily.3/ruminant 1231752 total $ ls -isk /data/backup/rsnapshot/daily.3/ruminant/home/andy/vmunix \ …
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2 answers

VMWare with physical partions in a dynamic disk?

Background: Host OS is Windows Vista. Guest OS is Ubuntu VMWare can give direct access to a guest OS to a physical disk partition, so say my disk has two partitions, the first is NTFS and has windows on it, and the second is EXT3, obviously not…
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1 answer

Format ext3 disk space from Windows 7

Is it possible to format an ext3 disk space (on an extended partition) from Windows 7? Any utility available to do that? cheers
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2 answers

How to delete journal on ext3 network drive

Something happened when I was copying files to a ext3 drive (via network, mounted by samba) and I lost ability to write anything to this HDD. After I used dmesg command it is explained: db: Current: sense key=0x3 ASC=0x0 ASCQ=0x0 Info…
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2 answers

Move an ext3 fs to a larger mdadm array in one step

I have an ext3 fs on an mdadm array of 1TB disks on an openSUSE system, and I want to move the fs to a new array of (the same number of) 3TB disks. I can have the system running with this fs unmounted, and with all of the disks in both arrays…
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1 answer

Fastest way to remove numerous big files

I have a directory with integration tests temporary files, which has the following structure: TestTemp --- Test01 (~1.5TB) --- Subdirectory01 (~100GB) -- Destination JSON (1-100MB) --- Subdirectory02 --…
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2 answers

Mount shows as swap instead of ext3

Easy all, I have a hard drive with 4 partitions setup. boot/swap/root/home I recently installed windows onto the / partition as i needed it, and now that i'm switching back to linux it's showing /dev/sda4 (the home partition) as being swap…
2 answers

Mount .vhd stored on ext3-NAS in Windows 7 without copying to NTFS Disk. Is this possible?

i have an vhd-Image stored on a NAS. I can't directly mount it, because the NAS stores the file in an ext3-system (i read this is causing trouble). I can't copy the file to a NTFS disc, because it's huge, barely fits the available space and…
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