Questions tagged [exec]

exec is a functionality of an operating system that runs an executable file.

53 questions
1 answer

puppet variables set in exec environment not accessible elsewhere in the class

I'm trying to configure a logging figuration with log paths based on a check to see if that log file exists. However, the if statements always return true even though I know /var/log/hermes/hermes.log doesn't exist. I have tested the exec…
1 answer

When use "exec 1>ok.log", how can I output the specified content to the screen within a shell script?

As follow, I only want the command echo "this is to stdout" output to my screen instead of to the file ok.log, how can I do? I search for the usage of exec shell command, but without result, please advice me [root@161 tmp]# bash --version GNU…
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2 answers

How to direct errors from with a find exec command to a log file

Hi I have the following command that does yui optimizations and runs as a cron job. I want to log the output of the command to a log file. find . -type d -exec bash -c "cd '{}' && pwd && java -jar /opt/yui/yui.jar -o '.css$:.css' *.css" \; >…
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1 answer

Puppet EXEC: execute part of code only after another part is executed

I have the following puppet code: exec { 'set mysql root password': user => root, path => "/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin", command => "/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password \'${root_pwd}\'", onlyif => 'grep…
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1 answer

php-fpm does not work me exec or shell_exec

I have OpenBSD 5.6 and php-fpm, nginx. Is chrooted by default on /var/www I try:(test.php) "; if( ini_get('safe_mode') ){ …
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2 answers

How to pass parameter for Exec from notify?

I've the following Puppet manifest: # PHP Configuration class php { exec { "php5enmod $module": path => "/usr/sbin", command => "php5enmod $module", } file {'/etc/php5/conf.d/upload_limits.ini': ensure => present, owner =>…
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2 answers

Script out SQL Job Create Statement Without SSMS

Does anyone have an idea of how to generate the Create statement for a SQL Agent Job? I've looked everywhere, and I can't seem to find a search result that doesn't involve using SSMS and going through the Object Explorer. I've gone off and found…
Black Dynamite
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1 answer

Strange behavour of which in a shell script launched as a forked process

So I have a java process that is doing some automation. One of the things it has to do is find the JDK home on random machines. So I wrote a shell script to try and find the JDK home assuming that javac is on the path. While testing this shell…
0 answers

Executing a command as apache

This script keeps outputting a 1. and I cannot understand why. I have also tried the above code without the nohup. I have the following line in my sudoers…
Lord Loh.
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1 answer

Monit runs exec action too often

I've written a script which sends me an sms notification. I call with exec action in monit test. It works, but I'm getting overwhelmed by messages. Is there a way to suppress sending subsequent messages if check fails until it succeeds? Here is the…
Dmitry Vyal
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2 answers

Puppet: exec onlyif value is not equal

I have a script that really only needs to be run one time on a server, i.e. at deployment time, but figured it would be best to have Puppet manage it. The script remaps several legacy user id's that conflict with local system users. The way I check…
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1 answer

Shell script Process PID logging and maintenance using exec

I am trying to launch a java process as a server and then might periodically need to restart/kill it at certain times. Since I use a shell script to launch java jvm(to build classpath), I thought of logging the shell script process id using $$ and…
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1 answer

execute command on icmp request

I'd like to know how/if it is possible to get my linux (ubuntu) box to exec a command (script) on incoming icmp/ping (or other network events) requests? Like e.g. playing a "ping" sound when being pinged, or playing an alert sound on specific source…
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4 answers

CGI error from PHP when running exec() on IIS

Windows Server 2003 x64 PHP 5.2 IIS 6.0 The program Ink2Png.exe is set with Everyone->Read and Execute permissions. As does its dependency ( PHP Safe Mode is off exec() is passed [the full exe path], space, [full path to another…
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2 answers

Exclude pings from apache error logs (ran from PHP exec)

Now, for a number of reasons I need to ping several hosts on a regular basis for a dashboard display. I use this PHP function to do it: function PingHost($strIpAddr) { exec(escapeshellcmd('ping -q -W 1 -c 1 '.$strIpAddr), $dataresult,…
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