Questions tagged [exchangeonline]

Exchange Online is the hosted version of Microsoft's messaging platform (e.g. Exchange Server).

Exchange Online is the hosted version of Microsoft's messaging platform (e.g. Exchange Server).

Exchange Online gives companies a majority of the same benefits that on-premises Exchange deployments provide. By integrating with the Microsoft Outlook client, companies that use Exchange Online can make use of hosted email, calendars and contacts, at a month price, per end user. Microsoft Exchange Online is available as a standalone solution or as part of the Microsoft Office 365 collaboration suite.

133 questions
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How to solve issues with Exchange's Autodiscover (xml) and any peculiar clients like Windows Communication Apps [HxTsr.exe] with complex DNS config?

For the search engine, context elements: Exchange Online Office 365 / Microsoft 365 --> Particular Outlook --> Windows' Mail & Calendar App [HxTsr.exe, "microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps"] Apex domain redirect to…
1 answer

In an Exch 2016/EXO hybrid deployment, should a telnet message test on prem be considered internal

I have inherited a hybrid deployment between Exchange 2016 on prem and Exchange online. One of the first things I had to do was turn of centralized message transport, as it was adding two unnecessary hops to the mail flow and 100% reliance on the on…
James Edmonds
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2 answers

Enabling Journaling in Exchange Online

I'm trying to migrate a small company from an ancient, on-premise Linux mail server over to Exchange Online. One of their core requirements is that they need copies of all inbound and outbound e-mail to be saved in a separate mailbox called "group",…
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Legitimate emails FilteredAsSpam

Freshdesk is sending emails directly (authenticated via SPF) to Office 365 mailboxes but they are consistently being delivered to the junk folder for all recipients. The following are the authentication results from the headers of a test / example…
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Missing Attendance Buttons in Office365 Resource Calendar

There are several cases where when I connect with my admin account to browse the Office 365 Resource Calendar, the attendance buttons are missing from time to time, and I have no clue why. These meetings are still valid and existing meetings in the…
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3 answers

Exchange Online: ancient auto-reply message hidden somewhere and gets sent alongside current one when auto-reply is enabled

Title says most of it. Have used Get-MailboxAutoReplyConfiguration in Exchange Online PowerShell and it only shows the current auto-reply message. But when auto-reply is enabled, one from a few years back gets sent simultaneously with the current…
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Can't receive email from certain office 365 organizations - untrusted root

I have a 2013 exchange server on premises. Two different domains They are both validated and whether you send to domain1 or 2 , email gets delivered. Barracuda is in front of the server - and I think this is what's causing…
2 answers

Connecting to BOTH Compliance and Exchange online in Powershell using Modern Auth

In the world of basic authentication, I used to connect to MSOL, Compliance and Exchange in a series that went like this: function ConnectToCloud() { $CloudCredentials = import-clixml C:\tools\CloudCreds.xml …
2 answers

Is Connect-ExchangeOnline cmdlet uses basic auth?

Am trying to connect Exchange Online using Connect-ExchangeOnline. But, it seems require basic authentication. Is it possible to use this cmdlet without basic auth?
Embry Fedora
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2 answers

Can I redirect all of the NDRs for my domain to a central mailbox in Exchange Online?

At my company our ticketing system pulls from dedicated mailboxes, but when an email is sent from one of them due to some automated process or other and fails it of course throws an NDR. The problem is that those NDRs trigger new tickets. What I…
3 answers

maibox restore can't locate source mailbox

I've been banging my head and searching for answers for this for about a day and a half now. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Both mailboxes are shared mailboxes, one is soft deleted the other is active. PS> (get-mailbox -SoftDeletedMailbox…
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1 answer

Unable to use Exchange online in Chrome to apply changes. keeps showing critical error

I've searched for similar problems and still can't find one solution. This issue started yesterday, then I got an update this morning from chrome. I was thinking the update would solve the problem but apparently it still persists. Every time I try…
2 answers

Convert Azure AD User to Exchange Online MailUser

I have an Azure AD user ( and want to redirect all this users email to an external address ( I have set up other redirects by creating a new MailUser and setting the externalEmailAddress property. For example we…
1 answer

365 - Mail-enabled public folder not visible in EAC, Outlook, or Get-PublicFolder. BUT visible to Get-MailPublicFolder

I'm encountering a strange Exchange issue I haven't been able to figure out. Exchange Online (Office 365). Originally was an Exchange 2010 environment, migrated via O365 Hybrid Config, hybrid has since been decommissioned and the organization is…
2 answers

Exchange Online Hybrid Public Mail Folder not found

We are currently running Exchange 2016 on premises with modern public folders. We are migrating to Exchange Online using a full hybrid configuration since the migration will take a few weeks. I am trying to set up Exchange Online so that people whos…
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