Questions tagged [ethtool]

59 questions
0 answers

lxc / docker wake on lan?

Has anyone successfully implemented "wake on LAN" functionality in a linux container? In my setup each client has his own container for a vpn, but I only want the container to "boot up" when the client connects to it. One idea I had is to use…
Miles R
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Can't set NIC speed to 10Gbps using ethtool

We're using IBM Blade Center HS-22 servers with Broadcom NetXtreme II 10Gbps NICs to a Nortel 10Gbps switch. With one of the chassis the NICs can establish a 10G rate with the command "ethtool eth2 speed 10000 duplex full autoneg off", but the same…
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changing network speed to 1000Mb/s

I am trying to change the server uplink from 100Mb/s to 1000Mb/s ethtool eth0 output # ethtool eth0 Settings for eth0: Supported ports: [ TP MII ] Supported link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full …
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Cannot enable WOL in Ubuntu using ethtool

I'm trying to build a linux box that will run without a monitor or keyboard, runs Ubuntu server, will go into suspend after a certain amount of time and is able to be woken up through network communication. Most of it is already in working order,…
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Should ethtool on one machine show different speed to the other machine?

I have two connected computers. On host A, ethtool shows a speed of 100Mb/s, but host B that is connected to it shows 10Mb/s. Why is this the case? On host B, the link partner advertised link mode is 10baseT/Half, but on host A the advertised link…
placid chat
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live Boot any linux distro to console

Is there any .iso linux image distro that boots into console and not into x? I just want to run some simple linux commands like ethtool alternatively, I would like any boot cd that let me test the physical connection of a NIC. Thanks.
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Wrong link speed; what happens if manually set speed using ethtool fails?

I've got a remote xen server and I noticed that the speed link in autoneg is 100 Full Duplex; all my network is 1000 Full Duplex; do you know any reason for this? Ethtool mentions on both my server advertised speed and link partner advertised speed…
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how to verify status of TCP Segmentation Offloading

we do the following on linux rhel machines ethtool -K ifcfg-478476 tso off now lets say that we want to verify the settings how to do the check with ethtool or other cli? we try ethtool -k ifcfg-478476 | grep -i tso but we not get status any idea…
King David
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3 answers

Ethtool on VMWare

I'm trying to determine the speed of my ethernet uplinks using ethtool on my VM (a VMware ESX Server). Running the command gives the following output: ~> ethtool eth0 Settings for eth0: Current message level: 0x00000007 (7) Link detected:…
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What data is not available for tcpdump unlike interface statistics tools?

I'm analizing the logs on specific interface and wondering why this command during small load-test: tcpdump -i enp21s0f0 -s0 -w /tmp/dump2.cap` catched only 75 MB, when ethtool -S enp21s0f0 / ifconfig enp21s0f0 showed about 80 MB of data(I…
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Same ethernet cards, same firmware, same drivers ... different Advertising Mode

I have a strange issue. Having same cards, same drivers and same updated version of ethtool on 2 different OS, (XenServer7.* and centOS7.3). if I run on centOS ethtool on the card I get: Supported ports: [ FIBRE Backplane ] Supported link…
Max Cuttins
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1 answer

transfer rate faster than the NIC suggests

i followed this thread to get the information on reading NIC speeds. How do I verify the speed of my NIC? i am using ethtool to verify the speed of my NIC as discussed the thread. :~ # ethtool eth0 Settings for eth0: Supported ports: [ TP ] …
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Cannot get current device settings: Operation not supported ethtool CentOS 7

Received an error "Cannot get current device settings: Operation not supported ethtool" while changing network speed using ethtool command on centos, # ethtool -s eth0 autoneg off speed 100 duplex full Cannot get current device settings:…
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1 answer

nic configuration on a linux virtual machine (rackspace)

I am trying to check my nic speed and duplex setting on a vm I have at rackspace. It is centos 6.4. When I run: # ethtool eth0 Settings for eth0: Link detected: yes This is all I get back. When I run mii-tool, I get an error: mii-tool…
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Alternative ways to track dropped packets and report output

Instead of tailing /var/log/messages or doing a continuous ping is there a way with ifconfig or ethtool to track dropped packets, collisions, or tx/rx errors in real time?
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