Questions tagged [ethtool]

59 questions
8 answers

How do I verify the speed of my NIC?

I just installed a new gigabit network interface card (NIC) in Linux. How do I tell if it is really set to gigabit speeds? I see ethtool has an option to set the speed, but I can't seem to figure out how to report its current speed.
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How to persist ethtool settings through reboot

I would like to turn off tcp segmentation offload on a CentOS5 server. Using ethtool the command is ethtool -K eth0 tso off However, this setting only persists for this session. How can I make it persist through reboots?
Gus E
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packet queue performance discrepencies with BIND nameserver

Background: I've inherited a high volume caching nameserver environment (Redhat Enterprise Linux 5.8, IBM System x3550) that has inconsistent ring buffer settings: 1020 for eth0 and 255 for eth1. eth0 is connected to switch 1 of its local…
Andrew B
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ethtool says that eth0 uses MII but twisted pair is used

ethtool says that "Supported ports: [ TP MII ]" and "Port: MII". I guess that TP means twisted pair and Media Independent Interface. However physically I see that network card uses twisted pair cable, not this MII connector. So how can it be…
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Which tool should I trust, mii-tool and ethtool don't show me the same values

Our hosting company provides all the switching infrastructure for our servers. The private network, connected to eth2 should be GbE. Recently I've been suspecting that something is misconfigured as cacti graphs never appear to show more than 100mbit…
Dave Cheney
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nic: Something Wicked happened! ffff

I'm configuring a GNU/Linux Router with Debian Stretch (9.7) and before rebooting the server, all traffic from one interface to another was going ok, but after that, I received a message like this (tty): enp1s6: Something Wicked happened! ffff. I…
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What does the ring parameter in ethtool -g output signify?

For instance, if I run ethtool -g eth0 on my system, I get the following output: Ring parameters for eth0: Pre-set maximums: RX: 4096 RX Mini: 0 RX Jumbo: 0 TX: 4096 Current hardware settings: RX: …
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Why is ethtool not showing me all the properties for a NIC?

CentOS 5.8 | VMWare ESX 5.1 When I run ethtool eth0 I see the following: [root@foo ~]# ethtool eth0 Settings for eth0: Current message level: 0x00000007 (7) Link detected: yes Is there any way to get the rest of the details?…
Mike B
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Can't set up NIC to establish Gigabit link on Linux

I have Ubuntu 11.10 64 bits with one (actually two, but only one is connected) Intel 82578 Gigabit Network Card which is working on 100 Mbps and I want it to work on 1000 Mbps, but I can't. How can I find out what's wrong? Here's what happens when I…
El Barto
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meaning of rx_queue_*_csum_err and rx_fifo_errors

I am trying to debug some networking issue with one server. I monitor this machine with multiple monitors and I see that at times ping error rate jumps to 5/10% I am running on ubuntu and I see that the output of ethtool -S eth0 shows positive…
2 answers

debian set eth0 autoneg off speed 1000 duplex full: Invalid argument

I use debian for my things,but when i config speed 1000 and duplex full the error occur the exactly command i use: ethtool -s eth0 autoneg off speed 1000 duplex full Cannot set new settings: Invalid argument not setting speed not…
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What does rx_csum_offload_errors mean?

I see too many rx_csum_offload_errors on ethtool output and it constantly increases. What is the reason of these errors and how can I fix it? # ethtool -S enp12s0f0 | grep error rx_errors: 0 tx_errors: 0 rx_over_errors: 0 …
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Why is my bandwidth averaging 3 kbps on a 10 mbps device?

I have a server with a 100 mbps port and connection that I rate limited to 10 mbps/full duplex because I am only paying for a 10 mbps connection and there are steep overage charges. Ever since then, the bandwidth has absolutely plummeted. I turned…
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Why is mii-tool saying duplex is half while ethtool is saying duplex is full?

CentOS 5.x I configured my CenTOS server to use full duplex. I did this by editing the network script: more…
Mike B
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ethtool, WOL: What does "wake on physical activity" actually mean and (how) can I use it?

I fighting with the WOL settings of my Ubuntu box at the moment. The idea is to have an HTTP/SVN server to sleep while it's unused and wake up when it's accessed. So far, wake-on-LAN works and is activated on startup: Settings for eth1: …
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