Questions tagged [elk]

a.k.a. Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana ; refer to

59 questions
2 answers

Line breaks in PHP's stack trace in nginx error logs disturbing logstash analysis

I am using nginx with PHP-FPM and ELK as log file analysis. When a PHP script causes an error the interpreter the error will be send back to nginx and nginx puts the error into the error.log file. Problem is: Sometimes those error logs contains…
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1 answer

Retrieve pfSense/freeBSD logs with elk

I am attempting to centralize logs from different systems. I installed the Elastick Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) and WAZUH OSSEC on one server (named elk). I have installed the OSSEC agent on three ubuntu server and I am able to check…
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Auto delete elasticsearch data older than 30 days

I have setup a ELK stack to collect logs at central server. It is working perfectly. But by default it is holding elasticsearch index/data permanently. We just want to maintain the data for 30Days. Please anyone point me how to delete indexs/data…
Sunil Bhoi
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1 answer

cannot validate certificate - doesn't contain any IP SAN

I am currently in the process of installing ELK ( ElastricSearch, LogStash & Kibana) stack. My ELK server IP address is Elastic Search config is :: # ---------------------------------- Network ----------------------------------- # #…
Jason Stanley
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Logstash syslog filter not applying to logs?

I'm looking through some syslog logs files in my ELK stack and noticed that all the syslog_severity fields are 'notice', when I can verify in the log files that they are not 'notice'. Seems like Logstash is defaulting syslog_severity to notice.…
Celi Manu
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Logstash filter: syslog_pri always defaulting to notice?

I'm looking through some syslog logs files in my ELK stack and noticed that all the syslog_severity fields are 'notice', when I can verify in the log files that they are not 'notice'. Seems like Logstash is defaulting syslog_severity to notice. I…
Celi Manu
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1 answer

Using ELK X-pack for general purpose alerts and alarms

The X-pack package from Elastic is fully integrated with Elasticsearch and Kibana to provide (among other things) an alarm reporting platform. I believe that the regular use case is to build that from Kibana, with alarms as the results of particular…
Cedric H.
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How does Docker Daemon handle large log output?

I have a number of server applications running in Docker. The output is configured to go to an elk stack. I've had a number of troubles with the elk stack and am considering going back to vanilla Docker logging. My concern is scalability. My…
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1 answer

elastic's snapshot and restore module repository_exception

I'm using elk-docker and trying to follow Snapshot And Restore | Elasticsearch Reference [2.4] | Elastic and getting following error: # curl --request PUT --data '{ "type": "fs", "settings": {"compress": true, "location":…
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Visualize multiline ruby exceptions in kibana 4

I have setup the latest version of Kibana4 ElasticSearch stack. The logs are being pooled from remote app sources which are running on Ruby. I want to search for Multi Line exceptions created by ruby. Is there a way in kibana where we can search…
0 answers

Filebeat and downstream availability

I read here and there that a broker (like Redis) might not be required in the log pipeline (typically ELK) when Filebeat is used. From Filebeat's official page: [Filebeat] is intelligent enough to deal with [...] the temporary unavailability of…
2 answers

Passing JSON application log to remote LogStash via NXLog on Windows

I have been trying to pass logs from a windows application which are already formatted in JSON to logstash via NXlog. When I have NXLOG send the file to Logstash, I get blasted with errors in the logstash.log: :message=>"An error occurred. Closing…
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ELK - Logstash not picking up syslog events

I'm setting up a ELK cluster using Centos 8 and version 7.4 of Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana. My issue is with Logstash not picking up the events coming through syslog. Configuring Logstash to read from files and sending it to elasticsearch it…
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1 answer

logstash not able to upload data to elasticsearch even the pipeline started

I am using elasticsearch 7.1.1 and logstash 7.1.1. I am trying to upload a log file to elastic search using grok filter. Pipeline is getting started, but data is not getting uploaded. Here is my config file. input{ file { path =>…
1 answer

Using Elasticsearch or Logstash output?

I have been going through a few tutorials on using beats to send data to elasticsearch. I noticed that some tutorials prefer to use logstash as the output which then outputs to elasticsearch. Some other tutorials output directly to elasticsearch. In…
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