Questions tagged [dpkg]

dpkg is the package format used by Debian, Ubuntu and other popular GNU/Linux distributions as well as the tools used to work with dpkg packages.

169 questions
1 answer

run remote command to save debian package list

I'd like to backup the package list(dpkg) of some remote computers to a backup server: all of them running Debian. I already configured the rsa key to login remotely as root on the other computers without authentication. How can I run a command like…
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0 answers

dpkg custom package name from source install

I want to be able to set a custom package name when installing a package using dpkg from source. Running this command: dpkg -i /path/to/deb/ruby-2.2.0.deb installs the package as: ruby-2.2.0 2.2.0 I'd like to have this install as just ruby, since…
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2 answers

Automatic retrieval of current mapping debian stable -> released name

I'm automating my customary debian setup using ansible. The playbook is supposed to treat testing/unstable and stable differently: the former are to be maintained "clean", while the latte is to receive kernel etc. from Backports. As there's now…
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0 answers

Dpkg dependency problems on Unpacking a package for Docker

I am building a debian package atlantis-builder.deb with folder structure as: - deb - DEBIAN - control - postinst - postrm - usr - bin - sbt The control file has content…
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1 answer

dist-upgrade from Debian 7 (wheezy) to 8 (jessie) results in 'Failed to execute operation' errors

After upgrading Debian 7 (wheezy) to 8 (jessie), any system critical action results in one of the following messages appearing: Failed to execute operation: Activation of org.freedesktop.systemd1 timed out Failed to execute operation: Connection…
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1 answer

DPKG Equivs Issue

Basically, here's the gist of my issue: I've compiled my own version of MySQL with some Sphinx magic sprinkled in it. However, because its compiled from source and not installed from any package management system, anything that requires mysql-common…
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1 answer

Server shuts down during apt upgrades (specifically libdbus)

I woke up this morning to find my VPS down. I brought it back, couldnt find any reason for it being down (nothing in the syslog, etc) so figured it was my crappy provider. I ran apt-get upgrade and it told me: E: dpkg was interrupted, you must…
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0 answers

dpkg-query --show [package-name] prints out uninstalled packages

I removed mysql from Ubuntu server completely as below sudo apt-get remove --purge mysql-server mysql-client mysql-common sudo apt-get autoremove sudo apt-get autoclean sudo deluser mysql sudo rm -rf /var/lib/mysql sudo apt-get purge…
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1 answer

Dpkg: After comparing config files, how do I revert back to make my choice?

I'm part way through a fairly large apt-get upgrade which had 65 packages to be updated. I've gotten to a config file "merge conflict" where both my local config (containing a licence key) and the new config file have changes (new config options). I…
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1 answer

How to automate cleanup of config files from past pkgs as reported by "dpkg -l | grep ^rc"

There are a number of pkgs that weren't removed with "apt-get purge" and I would like to automate cleaning them up. You can't apt-get purge apache2.2-common because the pkg is already removed. You can still list the files that are in the pkg with…
Dan Garthwaite
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1 answer

Ubuntu dpkg broken

I have an Ubuntu installation where /var/lib/dpkg is empty. Every apt-get command fails with this error : E: Impossible de verrouiller /var/lib/dpkg/status - open (2: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type) (can not lock /var/lib/dpkg/status) Which…
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3 answers

Trying to install package with dpkg - no space on disk

I have an issue with dpkg and disk space. When I installed my pc, I let the installer create partitions using lvm. My rootfs was created at 322MB, now I just have 97M left. The disk is full so there is no room to expand the partition. When trying to…
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1 answer

Force apt-get not to upgrade a custom package dkpg

I've created my own deb package for Redis 2.6.11 instead of the very old default version for Ubuntu. All works well except when I do an apt-get upgrade it tries to install what it thinks is the latest version of redis-server How can tell the package…
Derek Organ
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1 answer

installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1

I found many complains with same error but for different packages. However, i couldn't understand essence of this error and how to fix it. Pls. help if you have any clue about it. It appeared first when i tried to install rsyslog. # dpkg --configure…
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1 answer

postinst script in hand-rolled .deb reported not found

I had a quick dpkg/debian-izing question. I am trying to create a .deb(by hand - mostly for learning purposes) and I have rolled up an ar-chive with the control.tar.gz, data.tar.gz and the debian-binary files. This hand-rolled .deb works fine for…