Questions tagged [docker-machine]

46 questions
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Zero downtime deployment with two machines and docker-networking

Is it possible to wire up a small zero downtime deployment (*1) with two Amazon EC2 instances? I'd like to roll my services regularly to a new EC2 instance to avoid manual OS updates on the instances itself. EC2-1: application serivces EC2-2:…
2 answers

Tag latest not found in repository

I am trying to install Docker on my MAC . I am getting the below issue predix-docker xxxxxx $ docker pull nginx Using default tag: latest latest: Pulling from library/nginx 968c69f18673: Pulling fs layer 963493e54e68: Layer already being pulled…
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How to set PID limit for containers in kubernetes

I have used docker-bench-security on one of the kube-node to check best practices, I found one warning that PID limit is not set on containers. So Please provide a solution that how do I set PID limit for container in Kubernetes.
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Docker external network affecting local host network on container restart : ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED

I am facing a weird issue with the docker networks. I am using an external network of bridge type named extenal_network in my docker containers with auto-restart enabled. I am not able to access my host network if any of the containers restarts due…
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dpkg throws an error when regenerating certs of my instance on AWS

I'm trying to regenerate certs for my instance on AWS through Docker-Machine as I do need to do it quite often for some reason. All of the sudden I'm getting this error after running docker-machine regenerate-certs [instance]: Error running…
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Can't create EC2 instance with Keypairs for ssh access

I am trying to launch a new EC2 instance with docker installed on it on AWS. Later on I need to ssh into this instance. I can create it without a problem doing: docker-machine create --driver amazonec2 --amazonec2-region=eu-central-1…
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Access docker machine on LAN Computers

I had a virtual machine with Ubuntu which is installed inside windows 10 host and accessible to all pcs in LAN using its IP address. Inside Ubuntu I'm running the docker containers within docker-machine. And Docker machine is only accessible in…
Kathak Dabhi
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Connecting to docker-engine on remote mac using docker-machine

I have a MacMini that is sitting in the server room which has a docker for mac running on it. I'm able to use docker directly on the machine when I ssh in just fine. $ docker --version …
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How can I configure unix:///var/run/docker.sock to point to a remote host?

I know I can build and run a container on a remote host with Docker Machine, but some tools I'm using have built-in reliance on unix:///var/run/docker.sock, so even if I run eval $(docker-machine env my_remote_machine) first, the fool fails with the…
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Trying to redirect a docker container to another through nginx

As the title say trying to reverse proxy. Using an app with port 500 inside container with port exposed for 5000. The nginx is on another container with port 80 exposed and publish to 8080. Both containers are in the same network that I've…
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How to remotely deploy Docker services on an existing Digital Ocean droplet?

I've got a docker-compose.yml file which defines 3 services: MySQL db, ASP.NET Core api application and Angular application. The last two images are built locally, not pulled from a remote repository. How am I supposed to log in from my local…
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Windows and WSL docker-machine conflict

I have a windows 10 and I installed the WSL ubuntu 18.04 inside. Since the WSL can't use the docker due to virtualization, i ends up use my DigitalOcean droplet as my docker machine target. I follow the guide of setting up the docker machine here:…
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Docker Swarm Mesh not working on mixed Win7 / Linux cluster

I've got a mixed Docker Swarm Cluster with Linux machines and Win7 machines running VirtualBox via NAT (bridged option is not allowed). Win7 Win7 | | (port forwarding on 7946tcp/udp, 2377tcp, 4789udp) | …
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how docker handles high availability

Coming from a VMware environment, my through process was that, Multiple Docker machines (swarm), mount the same NFS data stores A container (e.g. Maria dB) is deployed on the Docker swarm If a node in the swarm fails, the service is still running…
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IP address of the service inside docker

When the application that you run inside docker need the server private and public IP address to communicate, what will be the values of the IP address? For instance: If the private and public ip of the server on which the docker container is…
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