Questions tagged [docker-compose]

Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications.

Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications.

529 questions
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Docker-compose 502 Error after adding Wiki.js

I am having difficulty getting Wiki.js hosted on my server. My current setup is using Docker Compose utilising a reverse proxy with the eventual aim to host some services for personal use. I have successfully managed to host Portainer (using a…
0 answers

postgres container uses only one cpu

I'm doing a lot of SQL inserts and the limiting factor appears to be CPU assigned to postgres. Most of these inserts are to the same table. I'm a bit confused here as I'm using docker-compose with no resource limits, the container should use all…
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Host's /etc/hosts affecting DNS resolution inside Docker containers

I'm working on a project where I'm running one Nginx container (a load balancer) with ports 80 and 443 published to the host, and a few other application Nginx containers with unpublished ports. All three are part of a custom bridge network in…
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Mounting files from a Docker Named Volume

I have moved all my Docker containers to named volumes. My Traefik Container needs two files to be mounted directly. The current working config looks like: volumes: - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro -…
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Docker+Synapse+Traefik v2 stops working when I make a separate backend network

I'm trying to set up a Matrix Synapse server using Docker and a Traefik v2 reverse proxy. My setup works if I define a single network in my docker-compose file and have Traefik, Synapse and postgres all use that network. However, based on what I've…
Tim MB
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Container exits after installing mysqli in a dockerized PHP-apache

I am new to Docker and I need a php:8.0-apache container with mysqli installed. Just mentioning mysqli on a raw image causes an error: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "mysqli" not found I tried to use such command in docker-comose.yml: command:…
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Hive-Server unable to read volumes from DataNode / Volumes don´t work

I have got the following setup for a local Hive-Server with Hadoop: version: "3" services: namenode: image: bde2020/hadoop-namenode:2.0.0-hadoop3.2.1-java8 container_name: namenode restart: always ports: - 9870:9870 -…
Data Mastery
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nginx: why I get access denied when I'm trying to access wordpress?

I'm trying to set up WordPress using docker-compose but WordPress has to work in a separated container with php_fpm, a container for MariaDB, and an Nginx in port 443 redirecting to WordPress if the link was HTTPS://localhost/wordpress but if the…
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docker-compose: I can't access css and js files of wordpress

NOTE: I posted this question in stackoverflow too I'm trying to set up WordPress using docker-compose but WordPress has to work in a separated container with php_fpm, a container for MariaDB, and an Nginx in port 443 redirecting to WordPress if the…
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Access the host's IP or loopback interface from Docker container

willnorris/imageproxy is a caching image proxy server that we use in one of our deployments. We typically have a PHP backend that will serve some html or json to a client where the URL would be…
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Using a RHEL system in a Jenkins pipeline, issues with permissions in docker-compose volumes

I have an RHEL 7 Jenkins agent. On this agent, I have configured a pipeline to simply pull some code and do a sh 'docker-compose up' with the following compose file. version: '3' services: pythontest: image: python:3.6 volumes: -…
1 answer

Can I tail the log of ONE container in a docker-compose group?

I'm still struggling to understand why my ipmi_exporter container will not run in the same "pod" as my Prometheus, Grafana, snmp_exporter and alertmanager. When I bring up the "pod," docker-compose says ipmi_exporter has started but docker-compose…
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Nginx does not open specified listen port

I am trying to proxy SSH traffic from nginx (listening on port 7999) to a bitbucket server (listening on port 7998) on the back-end. Both nginx and bitbucket are running inside Docker containers. If I login to the nginx container and do telnet…
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How I can configure my local machine to use a docker hosted dns server alonsside with ant other dns settings for specific domains?

I have the following docker-compose.yml used as php web app local solution: version: "3.1" services: nginx: image: nginx:1.13 volumes: - "./configuration/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:ro" -…
Dimitrios Desyllas
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Multiple webserver docker containers listening on different host IPs

I have a server with multiple IP addresses. I want different nginx containers to listen on :80 and :443 on two IPs on this host. /srv/www1/docker-compose.yml: nginx: image: nginx:mainline-alpine container_name: www1 ports: -…
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