Questions tagged [dmcrypt]

26 questions
2 answers

How to non-interactively supply a passphrase to 'dmcrypt luksFormat'?

I'm writing a script which automatically sets up testing environment virtual machines. This script should automatically format a dmcrypt+LUKS partition for me, with a certain passphrase. Because this is a local testing environment I don't care about…
Hongli Lai
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3 answers

Find out which loop device is behind a dev mapper block device

I'm using cryptsetup with loopback devices. I'm looking for a way, given a device mapping, to identify which loopback device is used by this device. i.e. get /dev/loop1 as a result of an operation on /dev/mapper/some_mapping How can this be done?
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ZFS on LUKS not recognized at boot

I've got 6 physical drives in RAID-Z2, which I intend to one-by-one convert to dm-crypt devices. My process was roughly: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdf Create keyfile /etc/crypttab.d/crypt-1.key cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sdf Append crypt-1…
Chris Tonkinson
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Anybody experiencing full system lockups with LUKS?

I've recently setup a couple of new servers. This time I'm encrypting most of my partitions using dmcrypt+LUKS. However these new servers crash very often, every few days. Full lockups, kernel does not respond to keyboard, system does not ping.…
Hongli Lai
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1 answer

Encrypt/Decrypt filesystem container file with smartcard on linux

I want to encrypt and decrypt a file system container file with luks and a smartcard on debian linux. The smartcard is a Nitrokey Start which is basically a compact smartcard in a usb reader. I know how to create and mount a container file with dd,…
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How do you repair a Ubuntu 14.04 RAID-LVM-DM-CRYPT-LUKS Physical to Virtual system that won't boot?

I can't get a Ubuntu 14.04 Virtual server to boot correctly. It's recently been cloned "dd if=/dev/sda of=vmimage" The Physical has a RAID1-LVM-DMCRYPT-LUKS configuration, The boot sequence aborts and drop to the BusyBox shell. Begin: Waiting for…
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0 answers

Linux dm-crypt slowness with fast SSD

I'm experiencing slowness with an encrypted filesystem. Here are the details: # /dev/sdd: TOSHIBA PX05SVQ192B AX02 /dev/sdd # gdisk -l /dev/sdd GPT fdisk (gdisk) version 0.7.1 Partition table scan: MBR: protective BSD: not present …
0 answers

Is there a "TRIM" command for dmcrypt devices?

When using an encrypted drive in a virtual machine, the VM image starts very small if you do not initialize the drive with random data. When you fill the drive, it grows, but when you delete files it doesn't shrink. With a not encrypted drive, you…
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Best filesystem setup for 'partial data loss: ok' scenario

I'm searching for the best way to set up filesystems/partitions for a storage server with the specialty that partial data loss is not a problem. Lets say I got 4x3TB disks and I want to arrange them in a way that a) I got the maximum space available…
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1 answer

How to unlock multiple luks-devices using dropbear-initramfs

My system setup is as following: One single SSD with LUKS and LVM (and of course an unencrypted boot partition). The debian system is installed there. Two HDDs assembled as RAID0 with LUKS and LVM for some custom data To unlock to LUKS-devices at…
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ext4 errors with dm-crypt / LUKS on top of an iSCSI device

I have two oldish "NAS" devices, specifically Buffalo TeraStation Rackmount iSCSI ("TS-RIXL/R5"). Those are basically embedded computers running Linux with four SATA slots and two Ethernet ports, with a firmware that shows up as an iSCSI…
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1 answer

LUKS high transfer rates followed by high io wait

I'm currently setting up a server on Proxmox VE. I wanted all drives to be encrypted so i chose to setup luks on all disks and on top of luks i set up LVM. Now when I'm transferring data from a fast drive (SSD) to a slower drive (HDD) using dd it…
1 answer

Restore back-up from pre-encrypted drive into newly encrypted drive

It sounds like I am going to be reinstalling CentOS 7 on a server this weekend. The original installation didn't have the drive encrypted and it needs to be done. My understanding is that this will require a reformat so was going to back-up with…
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LUKS/dm-crypt security in the case of a break-in

This is an encryption topic I've been confused by for a while now. From what I understand of LUKS, once the LUKS volume is opened with a passphrase and the resulting device mapper device is mounted, it can be read from and written to until the point…
1 answer

How can I grow an ext4 filesystem inside a dm-crypt/LVM volume?

I have a disk with this format: sdc 8:32 0 1,8T 0 disk └─sdc1 8:33 0 1,8T 0 part ├─vg-lv1 (dm-0) 254:0 0 900G 0 lvm /media/lv1 └─vg-lv2 (dm-1) 254:1 0 …