Questions tagged [diskmanagement]

222 questions
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No option to create new partition- why?

Why can't I create a new partition as per below? This is the disk of a physical server running Hyper-V 2012. Any help appreciated!
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Best practice disk usage for SQL Server

I've been reading that it is best practice to place the following on separate disks for performance and safety: tempdb database file log file backup files When you consider RAID using multiple disks this becomes an enormous amount of physical…
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Changing XEN VM configuration

What is the correct way to update a XEN VM configuration? In this case I want a specific domain to stop using /dev/emcpowerg and use /dev/emcpowerh in stead. I have ensured that the two devices have identical geometry and have copied the contents…
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Space effecient manner to store lots of large, similar files

I have lots of ~1 GB files (database dump files, taken at regular intervals). Right now I'm just storing them all in one directory, each file gzipped. We're running out of disk space and want to continue to store the old ones. Ignoring the obvious…
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How to create a chained differencing disk of another differencing disk in Virtual Box?

How to create a differencing disk (a chained one) from a disk that is already a differencing image? I would like to have: W2008 (base immutable) -> W2008+SQL2008 (differencing, with SQL installed) --- This I can do. ->…
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Oracle Exalytics X4-4 server - RAID 1 volume corrupted while data sync was going on

We replaced a failed drive in Oracle Exalytics X4-4 machine. Failed drive was replaced fine and rebuild started. But when rebuild reached at 70%, the main disk got a bad sector and the rebuild failed. I tried rebuilding manually in megacli but it…
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ledctl: identify empty slots

Is there a way to get ledctl to identify empty drive sleds? I can flash the light on an occupied slot by using ledctl locate=/dev/sdb (for example), but cannot figure out how to locate an/all empty sleds. man ledctl suggests this is possible…
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Force initialization of dynamically expanding VHDX

Let's say we have 64GB of Dynamically Expanding VHDX. After installing the OS, the "dynamically initialized" space is something around 10GB. Now, I know that I'm gonna need about 25GB more space - e.g. a total of 35GB. QUESTION: How can I force the…
2 answers

How to list basic information about disks (cylinders, heads, sectors, sector size) on Windows 7 and 10

On Linux, fdisk supplies this information without any problems. I can't seem to do the same anywhere in Windows, nor (at a glance) in diskpart which is intended to succeed/replace fdisk. I need to find the low and high cylinder of a CF card, number…
0 answers

How to dismount a VHD that has been absorbed into a Storage Space

Normally in Windows, you can create a Virtual Hard Disk (VHD), see it in the Disk Management, right-click, and remove it: No problem. Storage Spaces Hides Disks I want to test the resiliency of Storage Spaces, and the ability to migrate them…
Ian Boyd
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/home /opt /tmp /usr /var on a single partition of another hard drive Debian 8

I have a production server for which I would like to move the /home, /opt, /tmp, /user, /var to the ~300GB partition specially created for this purpose. No straightforward explanation found on how to do this, except that I can put every folder…
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ZFS on a single external HDD drive: setup / tutorial and workflow

There are many tutorials on ZFS but I couldn't find a single one which covers the changes in commands when one uses only a single drive. I know by now that the parameter copies=2 is used but what changes in the other commands and how do the workflow…
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3 answers

What are your recommendations/best-practices for vDisk/datastore/LUN management with VMWare ESX

Obviously there's an infinite variety of ways of carving up your raw SAN LUNs to provide VM boot and data vDisks - but what methods do you use, what are their pros/cons, and are there any good 'best-practice' docs you've come across (other then the…
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EBS volume mount point should be disk or partition

With community CentOS 7 HVM image, after adding another EBS volume to my EC2 instance, lsblk command shows this NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT xvda 202:0 0 8G 0 disk -xvda1 202:1 0 8G 0 part / xvdb 202:16 0 16G 0…
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how to disable journaling on xfs filesystem

How do I disable journaling on xfs file system. I tried tune2fs to disable, it didnt help. Does xfs has different tools/procedure to do so ? tune2fs -o journal_data_writeback /dev/mapper/fedora00-root
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