Questions tagged [directory-listing]

23 questions
2 answers

how to configure apache to view hidden (`.`) files?

How do I make a directory listing in apache show the ./hidden files? I tried both Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride None Order allow,deny allow from…
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Force Apache directory listing even if DirectoryIndex files are present

How can I configure Apache to list files in a directory even if an index file is present? For example, if I have a directory /var/foo that contains a number of files, and one of those is a directory index (index.html, index.php, etc.), how can I…
Jake Petroules
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1 answer

Dash (-) in directory listing

I've Googled around for this to no avail, I'm sure its just something simple but I have not been able to figure this out perhaps because searching in Google or SF for a "-" can be problematic. I had a strange directory listing show up the other day…
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nginx directory listing on Ubuntu

I searched a lot and everyone says add these in config file and it will work: location /my_directory { autoindex on; } I opened /etc/nginx/nginx.conf file and added it under http but service did not start. Added it under http -> server and…
Mustafa Chelik
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Active Directory - Only show accessible shares

I have a Windows 2008 R2 server running Active Directory and sharing folders over the network. Every user can list all shares, even if the don't have the right to access them. This is not a security issue, but when the number of shared folders…
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Why is "Options Includes Indexes" Enabled by Default in Apache?

I was curious as to why Options Includes Indexes is generally enabled by default in Apache configurations. Anyone know why this is, as it's generally frowned upon for security reasons?
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ProFTPD - Failed to retrieve directory listing while using TLS

I have problem with my ProFTPD server. When I try to connect to the server using TLS then I get timeout after MLSD command. It only happens whenI use TLS - without it it works perfectly. I checked these logs: proftpd.log - USER xxx: Login…
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Rails program is not being run on apache + passenger - only directory listing

I have successfully installed Phusion passenger + Apache 2 + Rails 3.1 program + git on a linux Debian 6. I ran passenger-install-apache2-module and followed the configuration instructions. I followed also the setup instructions at…
0 answers

NFS mount subsequent reads slower than after mounting

Let me explain the scenario first. I know it may sound ridiculous to have this setup, but once I explain what I'm seen if someone who knows more can explain why it is occurring, I would really appreciate it. I have 2 sites. They are both at opposite…
1 answer

Apache server running Passenger can't display Rails app

I have a project that was pulled from github into my /home partition, and made symbolic links to the /var partition as per convention. How it looks : /home/vagrant/github/whois-dreyfus --> repo of the actual project /var/www/whois-dreyfus -->…
1 answer

Customizing apache directory listing

I have a server with Apache directory listing. I have styled it a little bit, and tried owncloud as well, but the solution I found best was a little themed Apache directory listing. However, I would like to add a search bar and an upload button,…
1 answer

Can I know if the directory listing property is correctly set on an FTP server?

I have to create a specific directory structure on an anonymous FTP server. These directories will contain some metadata files that will be read from a bot of a specific service (...but this is not important now). The important thing (these are…
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Blocking directory listing on a wamp server

So I have a website that runs through wamp however if you type a path in the address bar, you get an index of the directory, which I don't want I have already tried to add a .htaccess file in the directory to stop it indexing (saying IgnoreIndex *)…
Cairn Langan
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Why forbidding all php files from a directory with mod_rewrite denies access to the directory listing?

Server: Apache 2.2.17 I have the next .htaccess file: RewriteEngine On RewriteRule !^includes/ - [S=1] RewriteRule ^includes/[^/]+\.php$ - [F,L] RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond…
1 answer

RewriteRule is applied to all files during directory listing

With Options Indexes and LogLevel rewrite:trace6 I see that my rewrite rule is applied to all files in the directory being listed. It even goes inside sub-directories and looks for index.html. This is bad for performance. Is this really necessary?…
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