Questions tagged [debian-squeeze]

Debian is a popular Linux distribution. Squeeze is also known as version 6.0.

472 questions
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Multi-domain certificate for postfix

I'm trying to get full green marks on an old iredmail server I have a multi-domain certificate with these domains: mail.domain.tld mailgw.domain.tld mailgw2.domain.tld I do get the full green marks on mail.domain.tld,…
1 answer

Update PHP 5.3 to PHP 5.6 on Debian Squeeze

I wonder if anybody has successfully updated PHP 5.3 to PHP 5.6 yet on Debian squeeze and would kindly share how this can be done. My server's current system is running since 7+ years. Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.7 (squeeze) PHP 5.3.3-7+squeeze15 with…
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Debian Squeeze Slow SMB/Samba Write Speeds

Arch: x86_64 OS: Debian Sub-Version: Squeeze Prev Speed: 3-5MB Current Speed: 1MB Connection: WIFI WIFI Speed: 150Mbps I have been Google'in and testing for hours using the same file. I was getting 3-4 and now its 1 or less.
1 answer

Getting rid of Trojan on Debian Server

-------- EDIT --------- I do not agree that this is a duplicate of the linked question. I know that the correct way to deal with this is to wipe and reinstall the server. However, i am interested in the inner workings of this specific exploit and…
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Why did mySQL stop working after I entered some iptables commands?

I entered the following commands into a Debian Linux terminal: sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport Port2 -j DNAT --to-destination yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy:Port1 iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE Soon after,…
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Nginx: Is there a way to prioritise requests from a specific IP address?

We have a public website that also serves requests for an internal system (on a dedicated IP address). When the website gets busy, and the server load increases, all requests slow down. This is acceptable for the public site, but not for the…
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Script to install and activate backports on debian squeeze?

I am looking for a script that would enable debian backports for debian squeeze, something that I could just run and will enable me to install new packages like a decent version of mercurial after, just by doing apt-get upgrade mercurial.
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How to configure a mail server on Debian Squeeze?

How can I configure a mail server on Debian Squeeze with Postfix or Exim4 without the need to relay on another smtp server? And is it possible to add multiple email addresses for the same user? (Independant mailbox, not aliases) I'm all new to mail…
Jeremy Dicaire
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Debian squeeze without xorg?

I'd like to install a small Debian server (as a template), which contains only the necessary packages. Even though I select only the ssh server and the Standard utilities at the software selection screen, after finishing install I've found some xorg…
3 answers

How to update debian dns server? New VM with same hostname as old VM

We run several linux VM's on our Hyper-V cluster. Our old IT manager configured the dns server to resolve the url '' to a debian squeeze apache webserver hosted on the hyper v cluster with the hostname: devlabs. We recently…
1 answer

How to install pip/easy_install on debian 6 for python3.2

I'm trying to install pip or setup tools form python 3.2 in debian 6. First case: apt-get install python3-pip...OK python3 webob Searching for webob Reading Reading Reading…
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why did i need to stop java software?

i am on Debian Squeeze, 4G of Ram, 1G of Swap, CPU i3 3.07GHz. I used to use the following java softwares: jenkins elasticsearch Problem was their process was too greedy about CPU, in the top command, each one was eating more than 120%. When i…
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How to detect mail server dangerous load level?

I have a 512 MB VPS running on Debian Squeeze 64bit serving a complete email system (postfix, courier, amavis, clamav, spamassassin, roundcube). All the RAM is always used: max free memory is 10MB, min is 0 MB. The Swap is 2 GB and is almost not…
1 answer

I try to access a NFS mount via FTP. It works but the FTP Dir listing is very slow

I mount an NFS using this command: mount -o rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr serverip:/directory /mnt/directory However the mount appears on the client as expected a command like ls -a work pretty fast on the nfs mount. But when I try to list…
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Bind9 minimal zone configuration seems not working

I have installed bind9 on debian squeeze. This is my named.conf.local file: options { directory "/var/cache/bind"; auth-nxdomain no; listen-on { any; }; listen-on-v6 { any; }; }; zone "" IN { type master; file…
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