Questions tagged [dd]

This command is used to do low level copying of data.

Convert and copy a file, write disk headers, boot records, create a boot floppy. dd can make an exact clone of an (unmounted) disk, this will include all blank space so the output destination must be at least as large as the input.

For more info refer to the manpage.

202 questions
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desperate attempt to head off RAID 0 failure, can i copy a disk with dd?

A colleague has been using a 10TB RAID 0 array to edit a film. He suddenly realized it's 98% full. The array has started seriously acting up, but cooperates grudgingly if you shut down all processes that might index this array and interact only with…
S. Imp
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0 answers

speed difference between FS created by LVM and parted cmd

I was testing read/write operation on FS to check speed via dd cmd. /app - created with LVM /app1 - created with parted when I run below cmds, can see huge diff in speed for both operation with same cmd. Wanted to know why such discrepancy if both…
0 answers

How to resize img file created with dd on LUKS-LVM partition?

I have installed a new Debian 10 on /dev/sda with LUKS + LVM. It has the following partition structure: NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sda 8:0 0 79G 0 disk ├─sda1 8:1 0 953M 0 part …
Kalib Zen
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1 answer

Can I migrate a Windows 10 with a license key to another computer using dd?

Not trying to do anything malicious or violate copyrights. Just out of pure curiosity. If dd creates a full clone of a disk, will it work if I use dd to make a full copy of windows 10 with a license key to another drive and boot it on another…
Aviv Lo
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1 answer

Clone disk with multiple partitions using dd

I have used dd before to clone hard drive's but I'm now attempting to clone an entire hard drive consisting of 3 partitions to another drive. My partitions are named nvme0n1p1 to 3, I tried leaving the last number of but dd doesn't accept that, it…
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0 answers

Virtualbox not recognizing GRUB

I ripped a Linux Mint partition into a file using the dd command: sudo dd if=PART_PATH of=OUTPUT_PATH/ubuntu.bin Then I converted it into a *.vdi VBoxManage convertdd PATH_TO_ubuntu.bin ubuntu.vdi --format VDI But when I try to boot into the vdi…
0 answers

DD of LVM Partition to another disk drive not working - no space left on device

I have a vmdk attached to my Linux VM instance (/dev/sda). The disk has 2 partitions, as shown below: Disk /dev/sda: 17.2 GB, 17179869184 bytes, 33554432 sectors Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512…
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2 answers

Creating a backup ignoring unallocated space with GPT table

I want to create a full disk backup of a linux installation (including gpt, bootloader). The system is installed on a 128GB SSD but only ~32GB are used with partitions, the rest is unallocated space. How can I backup this system without cloning the…
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1 answer

How to verify if a disk was ever written to

How can you verify if a disk is fresh and has had no write from the factory? I have a client that needs to make sure that the disks he revived are cleaned and weren't tampered with from the time it left to the factory till it was in his possession.…
Dovid Bender
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0 answers

Linux - How to clone and restore the root(/) partition on a running system

I have a specific situation with one remote Debian(Stretch) server. Mainly there is no one at the site and I need to do some risky upgrades and reconfigurations remotely. I'm looking for a way to implement a fail-safe system to prevent the situation…
Ivan Kovacevic
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0 answers

DD copy fails because output device path change during copy

I'm trying to copy an external USB hard drive to another using DD. my command: dd if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/sdc conv=noerror,notrunc iflag=noatime status=progress I'm using a live debian 10 distro. During the copy, after some gb copied,the transfert…
1 answer

Create random file with openssl

So I read this questionUrandom Alternative, but I am unable to make a comment there (without 50 rep) - therefore I open a separate question: If I use this command instead of dd and urandom, how do I set the size of the resulting…
1 answer

The best way to copy OS on RAID10 and lvm partition

I need to backup/clone the entire operating system. The problem is it's 2TB of data on lvm partition and RAID10 (i do not know is it dedicated controller or fake RAID in BIOS. Probably the second option) Which tool will be the best for this ? Ghost…
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1 answer

How can I resume a dd operation after a "error writing in file" status?

This command produced the error mentioned above after 9 h (preparing a 2 TB hdd for encryption): time openssl enc -aes-256-ctr -pass pass:"$(dd if=/dev/urandom \ bs=128 count=1 2>/dev/null | base64)" -nosalt
John Jane
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1 answer

Disk image growing in size

I am trying to set up Rasberry pi for jobs that don't deserve bigger machine. I downloaded a Pidora disk image (.img) zipped it is roughly 512MB. After unzipping it is 2.2GB ( no problem here). After I try to write it to an SD card with sudo dd…
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