Questions tagged [datastore]

99 questions
1 answer

How do i create multiple persistent VMs in esxi from a non persistent base VM?

We would like to create multiple VMs from the same base VMDK without the need to clone the full vmdk. Our goal is to have one e.g. 100GB base vmdk and X derived VMs, which only store their changes to the base vmdk, e.g. ~1GB each. We want to save…
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failure in connceting to NFS server?

whe i try to create a NAS datastore(shareing_datastore) in vmware-vsphere , I have this error always
Yaser Jawi
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datastore and network performance issues in ESXI

I am having a serious problem with a server running ESXi 6.0 Everything worked great last week. Now out of no where the whole thing is basically useless. I am getting datastore latency of up to 51 seconds! Nothing has changed between now and last…
0 answers

esxi vmware iscsi-datastore lost after power outage

I usually just try to find my own solution until it just works, this time not so much.. I have a ESXi cluster, with 2 hosts and 1x datastore cluster. Earlier today after a power outage, everything went down including the iSCSI SAN. When I got…
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Determine virtual server data use over multiple datastores

We currently have a physical server running 3 virtual servers spread across 3 datastores – 2 of which are networked datastores and 1 of which is the local datastore. One of the virtual servers has been shutdown and is split across all 3 datastores.…
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Copy VM folder from ESX 3.0.1 host

I am in need of the ability to copy files/folders from an ESX 3.0.1 datastore. Unfortunately, this version does not allow this via the VI client, and as such I have been looking to do this using SSH/SCP. Firstly, I do not know how to enable root…
James Edmonds
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“I/O Error Occurred” in vSphere Client 4.1 uploading to datastore

Environment is VMware 4.1, 2 ESXi servers with a iSCSI 6TB datastore with 1.5TB free. ~30 VMs, small load, VMs working well. On the datastore I have an ISOs folder. Typically, I can upload new ISOs there that VMs can mount. Today I have a…
1 answer

ESXi 5 Add an existing lun to datastore without formatting

We have two hosts running VMWare ESXi 5.1.0. Both are connected to a RAID 5 array via iSCSI. The lun is an existing lun with vm on it but it is not reconized by the hosts after the reboot. it is visible in vSphere Client in Configuration > Storage >…
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How do I rebuild a VMhost datastore following a corrupted installation

My server was shutdown at the weekend for a planned power outage to our building. When I tried to the bring the server back up, along with some errors about logical drives that did not exist (now sorted) I have found myself with a corrupted SD card…
Debra Fry
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2 answers

remount a iSCSI datastore in ESXI host after network faillure

I run ESXI 5.1 and all my virtual machines are in a NAS mapped by iSCI datastore. My router broke and obviously all the vm's where cut from their disks. What I understand is that when such event occurs, esxi stop all I/O from vm's and trie to…
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Adding external datastore to esxi, expanding datastore

I have an esxi 5.1 on a 1U server, accessed using vSphere. There are two 160G HDD's inside on RAID1. I'm looking to expand the number of VM's and the required storage is going to exceed this paltry amount of storage. I would like to increase the…
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Storage vMotion fails with a DMotion error

I've ran into an issue where several servers that I've been trying to migrate to different datastores the past few days are unable to migrate properly. Rather than migrating like normal, the servers are receiving failed attempts to migrate and show…
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3 answers

How do I make a dmsetup change permanent?

The full case is the following: I attach a LUN from a SAN box (iscsi configuration has been done correctly) As soon as I restart the open-iscsi daemon, the LUN is attached and its name appears under /dev/mapper is something like the following…
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ESXi 5.1 local datastore no longer accessable

I'm running ESXi and just recently rebuilt a raid array, and now an existing local datastore is no longer accessable in ESXi. The details: Original Configuration: 1x usb drive (on the backplane) containing esxi 5.1 install. 2x local SAS drives in…
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1 answer

How can I know if a VM is used or not?

I am running ESXi 4.1. In my main datastore I have plenty of folders, some of them has logical names, while the others don't, they hold BASE configurations/images of clients that I duplicate and activate. I only have a fraction of the actual…
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