Questions tagged [data-recovery]

Reclamation of deleted or otherwise removed/corrupted data (files)

Reclamation of deleted or otherwise removed/corrupted data (files). The level of complexity of such a task varies from simply "Restoring" a file (from a Recycle Bin) to using advanced tools to analyze the filesystem and rebuild previously deleted/corrupted data.

433 questions
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HP Microserver Gen8 RAID0 rebuild loss data

I have 2 WD HDD on gen8 and built as RAID0 on slot1 and slot2, and I have unplugged this two disk and install seagate disk on slot 1 and slot 2. and SmartArray report there are no raid found. then I create an raid0 for seagate disk in slot 1 and…
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Restore RAID 5 HP P410

I have: P410 + 512MB Battery Backup 4x4TB in RAID 5 I changed the PSU today and after starting OS (Windows 2008 R2) the array is gone. ACU sees 2 HDD as unassigned and original RAID 5 as 2 OK and 2 HDD missing. How can I restore the original…
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Removed 2 hard drives in RAID configuration from Dell Server, need to recover data

My very old Dell server will not boot up, I am pretty sure it's a motherboard issue. So, I removed 2 hard drives when the computer's power was off. I am assuming the drives were in a RAID configuration. My intention was to get an adapter to recover…
2 answers

How to Mount Disk from broken USB external Hardware Raid 1

I had an external USB 2 RAID 1 (Mirror) with two 2TB disks. The manufacturer is Datacask which is pretty unknown. The chip used is some Silicon Image chip. Out of nowhere, I could not mount the raid anymore. As I cannot believe that both disks…
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Is it possible to recover a RAID 5 in this case?

Is it possible to recover a RAID 5? After losing the "/proc/mdstat" and run by mistake "mdadm --create --verbose /dev/md0 --level=5 --raid-devices=4 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdd1 /dev/sde1" instead of mdadm --assemble --scan.
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Disaster recovery. MDADM/LVM2 Some advance but stuck on final mount

We made a stupid upgrade on a running server using wrong repositories and the system became totally unbootable. The system, a SLES 11 we used a openSuse repository to upgrade, and everything went horribly wrong. It boots now only in (repair…
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Access Server 2003 formatted HDD from W7 installation

I have a server problem, not sure what the best approach may be. The scenario is this: OS: Server 2003 The OS was on dedicated IDE drive; there are 2x1TB SATA drives which were in a Windows software RAID1, formatted to NTFS. The dedicated drive…
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What if Areca 1212 Raid card fails?

So I have a basic server: i5, 4GB ram, Areca 1212 Raid card, 1x sata 40GB HDD (for OS) connected to motherboard sata, 4x 2TB HDDs all configured into RAID5 (for /home data) connected to Areca Raid card. OS is Linux Centos 6.4. I think this is all…
Florian Mertens
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Impossible to read / delete some files

How can I fix a message like this (read after a dmesg command)? EXT4-fs error (device hdb1): ext4_lookup: deleted inode referenced: 119197 EXT4-fs error (device hdb1): ext4_free_inode: bit already cleared for inode 119198 EXT4-fs error (device…
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Large incremental backup sizes although minimal changes with cPanel tarballs

I am using Bacula and connecting to my cPanel server on a nightly basis at 2am to backup the tar.gz files that were generated the previous day at 6am by cPanel. Note, cPanel is generating a full backup every morning and dumping it to a tar file on a…
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Recovering data from a drive overwritten by Debian install

I got a panicked call for help from a mate who's been tinkering with a Raspberry Pi. Turns out it auto-updated his install of Raspbmc (RPi-build Debian with XBMC over the top, for non-RPi-fanatics) when he turned it on, and it wasn't until it'd…
3 answers

Recommendations for network data recovery tool?

I'm looking for a decent tool that will not only allow me to recover files off of a local hard disk, but off of remote, network accessible hard disks as well. Do such tools exist? A free tool is always good, but I am willing to spend up to $100 if…
Matt Hanson
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Help, ive just corrupted my ext4 partition

After troubleshooting problems with my mdadm config and kernel settings for about a week now i got careless and left my data drives plugged in after a successful boot test. i was attempting to change the MDADM super-block so the kernel would…
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LVM+Ext3 - recover the ext3 partition?

I setup a new email server today and I did lvm for the main drive and then LVM for /opt. I realized I did not give myself enough room for /opt so I decided to try and extend it and I must of screwed up the instructions because on reboot I get some…
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Recovering data from a single-disk raid1 array

I had an idea of a Raspberry Pi file server using multiple external disk drives in a RAID array. For starters I only had a single 1TB disk so I setup a raid1 array on that disk with the intent on adding additional drives later. In the end this…
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