Questions tagged [data-consistency]

18 questions
1 answer

How to back up MySQL data files directly (physically) yet consistently on Windows?

MySQL comes with "dump" commands and utilities that convert a database to text form and store that text somewhere on disk. For a large database, converting to text can be a slow operation and generate large SQL files that contain text. MySQL…
1 answer

Clone a VirtualBox VDI to make a second DRBD node

A primary node has been built up in a VirtualBox (guest RHEL 6 + DRBD). In order to get a second node with the same configuration, a VirtualBox cloning operation seems ideal easiness declare the second node DRBD secondary: drbdadm secondary…
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Do BTRFS self-healing mechanisms apply when a folder of the host with BTRFS enabled storage is remotely mounted by a different host?

the file system BTRFS comes with some useful features regarding data consistency/error detection and correction (let's call them self healing mechanisms). Given the following situation, will these mechanisms apply? Server with BTRFS storage <-->…
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