Questions tagged [cygwin-sshd]

43 questions
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Any way to centrally administer cygwin updates?

Is there a way to centrally administer cygwin, i.e. run remote updates on multiple boxes from a central 'admin machine'? basic goal: keep sshd up to date on all instances stretch goal: keep everything up to date and in sync. thanks
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SeTcbPrivilege not working, RSoP.msc, gpresult show it's enabled, whoami /priv shows disabled

I'm trying to install Cygwin with SSHd on a Windows Server 2008 R2 domain controller. I have installed Cygwin and SSHd several times on other machines, with no issues. Being a domain controller, the cyg_server user is part of the domain. I have…
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cygwin sshd service crashes whenever I open certain file in /etc

When I try to vim /etc/profile or vim /etc/motd it stops. When I try to touch those files it stops. Any ideas? Nothing in the ssh logs that seems to be pertinent.
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cygwin's ps -W doesn't show all processes when running through an ssh session

I hope this is the right place to ask this question: I have two machines (Win7) running cygwin. Machine A connects to Machine B through an ssh session. When I run ps -W in the ssh terminal on A, the list of processes is missing some of the processes…
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cygwin sftp limit user's to home directory

Is there any way to limit users to certain home directories with sftp and cygwin: For example user1 cannot get out of /home/user1/ User2 /home/user2/ I don't think there is on windows but maybe I am wrong. Failing that is there anyway to only let…
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cygwin: chroot jail - cannot run any command

I have installed Cygwin with Apache, PHP, Mercurial, MYSQL, OpenSSH, PYTHON I have updated sshd_config to chroot jail to access user-defined folders example: Match group sftp_users ChrootDirectory /home/%u SSH / SFTP works fine as I wanted. After…
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Cygwin ssh with keys error - A specified logon session does not exist

Update: The issue is only on Windows server 2008 R2. I created a Windows server 2012 R2 VM and it works fine. I want to run some windows query through ssh, but this is a interesting issue which I'm unable to find the cause of it. The error I get is…
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A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated (only from SSH)(for the accounts not specified in Log On tab)

Some progress: This is working for the cyg_server user. That is the user by which the sshd is service is running. But this is not working other users. Some more progress: This is working for any account on which the services is started with. That is…
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CYGWIN SFTP not working suddenly. Connection closed after authentication

I'd installed CYGWIN for SFTP purpose few weeks ago in a few Win 2003 R2 x64 server and initially all of them are working without problem. However this week problem rises where users are not able to SFTP to 2 of the servers. When connecting, error…
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CygWin SSHD and UTF-8 BOM

The CygWin ssh server configuration file "config_sshd" seems to need to be written minus a byte order marker. The server will accept UTF-8 but obviously becomes confused if it sees what it thinks is junk data at the top of the file. Is there any way…
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Cygwin: how do I disable /cygdrive

I'm using a cygwin based SSHD server and I want to disable the /cygdrive/c and /cygdrive/d paths; is this possible? Using NTFS ACLs to achieve this will be a mess because the user will need access to the drive with the SSH daemon on it so I can't…
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Fabric and cygwin don't work with windows UNC paths

I have some strange problems with fabric deployment to Windows Server 2008r2. The thing I try to accomplish is to copy some files to a shared folder with a fabric script (this script does a lot of other things too, but only this step gives me…
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How to fix "SignTool Error: IStore2::Load returned error: 0x80090345"

I have a Jenkins job running the signtool utility on a remote node, the console log looks like so: Started by user anonymous Building remotely on vm-builder [VE] $ cmd /c call "C:\Documents and…
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cygwin64 on Windows server, syslog data prints out all in one line

I am trying to automatically format syslog data from cygwin64 to print out with line breaks at the end of each line, so I can do some parsing later on. However, I don't see any configs that could yield a solution. How can I properly format the…
M. Barbieri
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How to allow reverse ssh-tunnel connection to my host on demand?

I've set up a reverse ssh-tunnel (no autossh is used right now, but I might be using it)from remote laptop to my pc, but I don't trust much the remote host, as there might be different people using it and I would like somehow to control, when remote…
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