Questions tagged [courier-imap]

IMAP daemon from courier-mta

Courier-imap is the daemon which accepts IMAP connections to provide access to email boxes for users.

See also:

46 questions
1 answer

Postfix [Courier, Maildir] Disable Quota

I set up Postfix under Debian Wheezy with MySQL and virtual users using this tutorial. Thunderbird is recently giving me alerts "You exceeded your mail quota" and saving/moving emails is denied. The user I have set up in the users table in MySQL has…
1 answer

Courier-IMAP pop3d auth over mysql

I've got a task of migrating one mail server from one box to another and so far I have configured Postfix and it's working. But, Courier pop3d server fails without exception. So, I have Courier pop3d server which needs to authenticate user agains…
Jovan Perovic
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Courier IMAP, no response

I've got a Postfix with Courier IMAP mail server mostly set up. IMAP authentication works as expected on port 143 (when SSL is disabled), but whenever SSL is enabled or port 993 is used, nothing happens. Literally, the server sends no data: openssl…
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What does Courier do with undeliverable messages?

On Wednesday we had an unrelated email issue with our host, and they made some changes which included removing our domain,, from /etc/local_domains. This had some far-reaching (and difficult to diagnose) implications, and we didn't actually…
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Courier IMAP 4.6 can't allocate memory when opening INBOX

I've got courier-imap 4.6.0-2.1ubuntu1 running on Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS on a virtual/cloud LAMP machine with 1GB RAM. There is a particular (unmaintained) email address which has 100,000+ emails, all in the INBOX, and for a few weeks now I've been…
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Courier authentication slow

I have setup courier with imapd-ssl on ubuntu. Everything works fine: ssl certificates validate (on ubuntu/thunderbird and mac/mail) and login works, too. The only problem is that it ALWAYS takes about half a minute for the handshake. If I…
Roman Semko
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0 answers

Courier-imap (authlib) - supported hashes?

Which hashes are supported by courier-imap (or maybe its courier-authlib job?)? Ive tried passwords hashed with {SHA}, {SSHA} and {SSHA256}. Only first seems to work, but i need to use last one (ssha256).
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Virtual mailboxes with Postfixadmin + Courier IMAP - Expected mail directories not being generated

I have set-up a mail server with Postfix, and I am currently in the process of creating virtual mailboxes with the help of Postfixadmin. I am using Courier to handle IMAP authentications, and I am having troubles with setting it up properly. I…
Bez Hermoso
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2 answers

Courier IMAP always disconnects since update

Since one of our customers updated their server courier does not handle IMAP connections properly any more. POP3 works without any problems. When I try to test IMAP with telnet then it is always like this: $ telnet 143 Trying…
Raffael Luthiger
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Rebuilding courier message files

I run a mail server on which I have courier imap and pop3 running. Recently I moved some local messages from my machine (previously downloaded with pop3) onto the server so I could use imap. I used on Mac OS X 10.5.8 to do this. This…
Devin Lane
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courier-authdaemon not attempting to authenticate imap users

We have had a little used mail server running fine for more than a year but earlier today it started to fail to authenticate users occasionally and now it has stopped even trying to authenticate. The messages in the mail log are: www imapd:…
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Courier-imap login problem after upgrading / enabling verbose logging

I've updated my mail server last night, from Debian etch to lenny. So far I've encountered a problem with my postfix installation, mainly that I managed to broke the IMAP access somehow. When trying to connect to the IMAP server with Thunderbird,…
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Courier not listening on IPv4 ports

I am having an issue with postfix/courier after a software update in which courier is no longer listening on the IPv4 ports. Here is the netstat output: ubuntu@ip-10-x-x-x:~$ sudo netstat -plnt sudo: unable to resolve host ip-10-0-4-32 Active…
1 answer

NO Invalid mailbox name IMAP

I want to create a folder named "spam" for my local mail server. But it throws this error After running, telnet localhost imap and logging in list "" * * LIST (\HasNoChildren) "." "" * LIST (\Marked \HasChildren) "." "INBOX" create…
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Courier imap ssl doesn't start at reboot

I recently upgraded from Ubuntu 12.06 to 16.06. I have an otherwise working Courier IMAP setup with a non-SSL and SSL config. When I reboot, the non-SSL version starts, and the SSL version does not. I've done a "systemctl enable…
J Howe
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