Questions tagged [couchdb]

Apache CouchDB, commonly referred to as CouchDB, is an open source database that focuses on ease of use and on being "a database that completely embraces the web". It is a NoSQL database that uses JSON to store data, JavaScript as its query language using MapReduce and HTTP for an API. One of its distinguishing features is easy replication.

Apache CouchDB, commonly referred to as CouchDB, is an open source database that focuses on ease of use and on being "a database that completely embraces the web". It is a NoSQL database that uses JSON to store data, JavaScript as its query language using MapReduce and HTTP for an API. One of its distinguishing features is easy replication.

Unlike in a relational database, CouchDB does not store data and relationships in tables. Instead, each database is a collection of independent documents. Each document maintains its own data and self-contained schema. An application may access multiple databases, such as one stored on a user's mobile phone and another on a server. Document metadata contains revision information, making it possible to merge any differences that may have occurred while the databases were disconnected.

CouchDB implements a form of Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC) in order to avoid the need to lock the database file during writes. Conflicts are left to the application to resolve. Resolving a conflict generally involves first merging data into one of the documents, then deleting the stale one.

Other features are ACID semantics with eventual consistency, MapReduce, incremental replication and fault-tolerance. Administration is supported with a built-in web application called Futon.

(from Wikipedia)

100 questions
3 answers

CouchDB Will not start after upgrade

Tried on both 1.2.0 and 1.4.0, both error and will not start. The config files are default apart from my added user admins. Apache CouchDB 1.4.0 (LogLevel=info) is starting. {"init terminating in …
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CouchDB Error log msg

I recently upgraded my server to CouchDB 1.5 and I'm continually seeing this error message in the logs. CouchDB appears to be behaving properly accept for this error. Fri, 14 Feb 2014 19:07:35 GMT] [error] [<0.105.0>] {error_report,<0.31.0>, …
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CouchDB v1.2.0 - Timeout error on replication

Currently, I have a replication task that looks something like this: { "continuous": true, "create_target": true, "owner": "admin", "source": "https://remote/db/", "target": "db", "user_ctx": { "roles": [ …
Mike S
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automatically start and and selectively stop multiple instances of couchdb on osx

I have successfully installed couchdb via homebrew: % brew install couchdb ...and invoked mutiple instances as directed here: % OLD=/usr/local % NEW=/tmp/couchdb % mkdir -p $NEW/etc/couchdb/ % mkdir -p $NEW/var/{lib,log,run}/couchdb/ % cp…
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1 answer

CouchDB inaccessible on Amazon EC2

I am using an Amazon EC2 "micro" instance as a testbed for a new project, one that is supposed to use CouchDB. Although the DBMS has installed correctly (via pacman; I'm using ArchLinux) and appears to start I cannot access Futon at all. This is in…
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Chef with a secured couchdb

I've installed chef , which uses couchdb. It worked fine until i've secured couchdb by creating an admin user in couchdb giving and setting require_valid_user = true in default.ini as written here: Now i…
2 answers

How do I completely remove all references to couchdb from Ubuntu 11.10?

I have removed and purged couchdb from Ubuntu, but if I type "couchdb" in the shell at any point, the system still tries to start it up before crashing. I checked /usr/bin, and I still have references to couchdb, even after I purged: $ /usr/bin: ls…
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How to change couchdb time-zone setting in log file?

I having an strange situation, in futon, the JavaSCript shell is returning date time in GMT+8, which is inline with the server timezone. However, when I tail the log file, it is showing GMT -3, 11 hours difference. I'm suspecting there is a…
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1 answer

Couchdb v1.1.0 `Object.keys is not a function`

On my local osx setup, I have couchdb v1.0.2 installed. I wrote several script against this version all of which worked fine. On my remote debian 6 server, I originally had couch v0.11.0 installed. Unfortunately, several of my scripts caused an…
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2 answers

Couchdb removal

I am trying to remove couchdb in my Ubuntu Server ( 10.04 ) and I received the following error: dpkg: error processing couchdb (--purge): Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should reinstall it before attempting a removal. Errors…
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1 answer

Chef clients are unable to connect after Ubuntu upgrade

After I upgraded Ubuntu on my chef server from 10.04 to 10.10, all my knife and chef clients stopped working. I received 401: Unauthorized exceptions for every query and operation. I tried reregistering my clients (knife client reregister CLIENT)…
Kamiel Wanrooij
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2 answers

CouchDB setup issues. RHEL6

I recently started an EC2 instance to test some couchdb projects, but for some reason I cannot seem to access the database. Port 5984 is open on both RHEL and in the security group, but I get cannot connect issues both remotely and locally Netstat…
Andrew Guenther
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1 answer

installing CouchDB 1.0.1 on Ubuntu 10.04 using

I was wondering what are the steps do i need to perform for installing couchdb using the package from ? I understand that i need to run sudo chmod a+x name-of-file.bin and than sudo ./name-of-file.bin to install…
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1 answer

CouchDB replication of HA CouchDB pairs

What would be the best approach for CouchDB replication in the following setup: A1 and A2 are two CouchDB servers in one DC. They both pull data from each other, although only one is actively used, the other is just a stand by in case of a failure…
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1 answer

CouchDB shuts down for no apparent reason

My CouchDB server (on a CentOS 4 installation) sometimes shuts down without my knowing. I'm sure the server doesn't restart (looking at the uptime). I've looked in the logs (both the var/log directory and the couchdb.stderr log file, the log…
Peter Kruithof
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