Questions tagged [couchdb]

Apache CouchDB, commonly referred to as CouchDB, is an open source database that focuses on ease of use and on being "a database that completely embraces the web". It is a NoSQL database that uses JSON to store data, JavaScript as its query language using MapReduce and HTTP for an API. One of its distinguishing features is easy replication.

Apache CouchDB, commonly referred to as CouchDB, is an open source database that focuses on ease of use and on being "a database that completely embraces the web". It is a NoSQL database that uses JSON to store data, JavaScript as its query language using MapReduce and HTTP for an API. One of its distinguishing features is easy replication.

Unlike in a relational database, CouchDB does not store data and relationships in tables. Instead, each database is a collection of independent documents. Each document maintains its own data and self-contained schema. An application may access multiple databases, such as one stored on a user's mobile phone and another on a server. Document metadata contains revision information, making it possible to merge any differences that may have occurred while the databases were disconnected.

CouchDB implements a form of Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC) in order to avoid the need to lock the database file during writes. Conflicts are left to the application to resolve. Resolving a conflict generally involves first merging data into one of the documents, then deleting the stale one.

Other features are ACID semantics with eventual consistency, MapReduce, incremental replication and fault-tolerance. Administration is supported with a built-in web application called Futon.

(from Wikipedia)

100 questions
3 answers

Any suggestions on emitting Apache HTTPd access logs to CouchDB?

I'm interested in sending Apache2 access logs directly to CouchDB or some other document storage system. Do you know of any Apache2 modules that do this, or what options there would be to write one myself?
Scott Markwell
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Varnish purge on POST or PUT

In my application stack, I'm using CouchDB (in this scenario, to all intents and purposes it's a simple REST server) and I want to put Varnish in front of it to alleviate read load. I know that whenever my application updates a document through…
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2 answers

How can I make sure an init.d-script runs after network-interfaces received their addresses over DHCP?

I just installed couchdb on a debian5 system and added symlinks to the /etc/init.d/couchdb-script. Unfortunately, this script gets triggered on startup before the network interface received the address over DHCP that the couchdb-server tries to bind…
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2 answers

How to install couchdb 0.10 on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS?

How to install couchdb 0.10 on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS ? I get an error : erlang wrong version ...
1 answer

warning: couchdb: unable to open supervise/ok: file does not exist - Runit

I was trying to run couchdb with runit, and I encountered the error above. Even this, this and many others didn't help me in knowing what the problem is. Here was what I did to produce the problem. Runit and couchdb were installed fresh. I am…
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4 answers

CouchDB: user creation without authentication. standard behavior?

Sorry for this rather yes/no question, but I haven't found the document that would clarify it, or I must have missed it here. Is it standard behaviour that you can simply create a new user entry to a couchDB (without being an admin user) in the…
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2 answers

How can I force mod_rewrite to send user info component of a URI?

A colleague recommended I repost this from StackOverflow to ServerFault: This has been driving me crazy. I have a web application that's being served via Apache Web Server. The database server that backs the application is Apache CouchDB, which…
4 answers

Nginx and CouchDB reverse proxy not working

I am trying to proxy [http://localhost:5984] to [http://localhost/couchdb]. I am running nginx for proxy. I have followed the same method mentioned at, location /couchdb { rewrite…
Farrukh Arshad
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1 answer

Can't Access CouchDB Remotely

Please keep in mind that I have this installed on an Amazon EC2 instance running the latest version of Ubuntu Server. I have changed the bind_address to netstat -an | grep 5984 yields the following: tcp 0 0 …
Willem Ellis
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1 answer

architectural questions on bigcouch cluster set up in two data centers

What would be an ideal setup for these requirements: -- can read and write data from both data center -- if either data center is lost, the other can take over The options I can think of : -- say if we have 6 servers, put 3 in one data center, the…
1 answer

CouchDB plugin for Wireshark?

I am trying to understand CouchDB network traffic with Wireshark and find it very difficult. A simple transaction with plain-text content seems to result in many lines in Wireshark, most of them being not more than unparsed binary data: 44270 >…
Nicolas Raoul
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1 answer

CouchDB test suite gives 502 Bad Gateway behind Nginx proxy?

I installed CouchDB on my Ubuntu server from the stable PPA. Then I put this in my nginx.conf: server { listen 80; server_name; location / { proxy_pass; } } setting up a subdomain…
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1 answer

BigCouch all_nodes vs cluster_nodes

I have a BigCouch cluster that I'm spinning up in EC2. I've launched the instances correctly and set the proper constants, but when I try to let the nodes know about each other, their "_membership" lists all the nodes I've added in "cluster_nodes"…
Stefan Mai
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4 answers

File store: CouchDB vs SQL Server + file system

I'm exploring different ways of storing user-uploaded files (all are MS Office documents or alikes) on our high load web site. It's currently designed to store documents as files and have a SQL database store all metadata for those files. I'm…
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1 answer

CouchDB like replication for MySQL?

Is it possible to setup CouchDB like replication for MySQL? Replication to be initiated from an web application. Replication should be a two way process. i.e. Synchronization If there is a failure in network connection, replication should take over…
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