Questions tagged [cockpit]

17 questions
1 answer

Cockpit via NGINX - settings make other services not reachable

I have a server (Ubuntu-Server) with some Docker-based servers (Gitlab, Redmine) and NGINX as Proxy. gitlab. => NGINX -> :port => Gitlab-container redmine. => NGINX -> :port =>…
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Guest VMs and host can't ping each other

The host machine runs a newly installed Fedora 31. Using Cockpit, I created two VM running Fedora as well. For the network configuration, I chose the "Direct attachment" type. Now, each VM and the host can access internet no problem, and they can…
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Way to open graphical console of KVM VM in fullscreen in Cockpit?

I've installed Cockpit, Cockpit-machines and Virt-viewer on my CentOS 8 and successfully connected to my KVM server in Firefox on Windows 10. But i can not find a way to open graphical console of my VM in fullscreen. Is there a way to do this at…
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Minimum requirements to monitor server with cockpit

I have recently been testing out Cockpit with my various Debian servers, and I like it so far. One issue I have is that it creates the port 9090 that is open by default. I don't want that port opened to the world, but my bastion server is on a…
Canadian Luke
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Fedora Server Edition: Failed to obtain authentication

I've just installed new Fedora 27 Server Edition and created admin user. If I log with this user to cockpit (http://hostname:9090) I am able to connect to Terminal tab and do manual update, however if I try Software Updates or Applications, I see…
Kube Kubow
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Cockpit -- how to add user options to start VM with QEMU/KVM

I used Cockipt (host is the CentOS8) to create a guest VM (CentOS8 also). Now I have a task to configure the VM to use stuff from SPDK's VHOST. According SPDK docs I'm need to add follow lines to QEMU's command line : **-chardev…
0 answers

Cannot access to website after installing cockpit

I have no idea what happened in my system. I have installed cockpit then I realize I cannot access to my website, which is hosted in my server, anymore. Even when I remove cockpit, which contains NetworkManager, I still cannot access. There are some…
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Cockpit-Machines Guest Machines configuration location

I've installed Cockpit and cockpit-machines to manage KVM virtual machines. I tried installing Lubuntu through cockpit but it fails with an error: ERROR unsupported configuration: CPU mode 'custom' for x86_64 kvm domain on x86_64 host is not…
Irvin H.
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0 answers

Backup with RHEL Cockpit

Using cockpit, I was wondering what you would need to backup. Is it just backup the VM images and then dump em back in the same directory as I would any other virtualization control panel or is there something else I should be…
0 answers

Cockpit machines, server IP block on VM

I'm handling instances in the cockpit-machines web software installed on my Ubuntu server. I have a Windows VM in the Cockpit and I would like to know how I can use the IP block that is anounced to the server the VM is on. The IP block is anounced…
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0 answers

Allocate virtual IP address to installed VM instances in Centos 8 (Cockpit GUI)

I have a dedicated AMD cloud server(one network card) with 5 additional virtual IP addresses meant for the installed virtual machines. I used the advised Cockpit GUI to create the VM's. I can't figure out how to direct all requests from a specific…
1 answer

virbr0-nic unmanaged in KVM/Cockpit

I am running cockpit on Rocky linux to make a KVM host. I have installed and enabled all 4 nics onboard and they are showing up as managed in the management tab except virbr0-nic when I run the create VM command I get the following error ERROR…
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Authentication failed: TImeout for cockpit access in CentOS 7

PROBLEM When I try to login to cockpit on CentOS 7 using URL https://localhost:9090 using the root credentials, I get Authentication failed: Timeout error. Have searched the web for solution but not able to troubleshoot the problem. STEPS USED TO…
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Fedora CentOS Cockpit ssh key passphrase won't work

I have a problem with cockpit on two servers running CentOS and Fedora. I can login with my public ssh key with passphrase via ssh commandline. But I can't get that to work with cockpit. When I put my username press "Enter" it asks for password and…
0 answers

TLS error using Cockpit with Cloudflare/Portzilla

I've recently installed cockpit (and quite like it) and decided to use Portzilla on my cloudflare account to set up a subdomain where I can access my cockpit server remotely. I've been getting Connection Failed errors, and when I look at journalctl…
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