Questions tagged [chef-zero]

6 questions
2 answers

Can't resolve chef external cookbook dependency in local mode

I'm making my first recipes in chef. I created a cookbook i called common with just one recipe (default.rb): apt_repository "mariadb-repo" do uri "" distribution "trusty" components…
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2 answers

chef-shell as chef-client in chef-zero mode (local mode)

Can I run chef-shell as chef-client when my chef-client is running in chef-zero (chef-local) mode? The parameter used to run chef-client in zero mode is -z. However using -z with chef-shell just makes it run in chef-client mode...
Merlijn Sebrechts
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1 answer

Using chef, how do I ensure a server is provisioned before a client depending on the server?

I am deploying a distributed service which uses an NFS share across a handful nodes. In this scenario, there is a master node which exports an NFS share and a number of slave nodes which must mount this export. Using chef, I am able to provision…
Jeff W
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1 answer

Chef: Kitchen Converge fails on Windows 10 Guest using Vagrant FileTransporter Error

As described in the bug I created here: When I perform a kitchen converge on a freshly created Windows 10 box, it connects and begins syncing the cookbooks locally on the box, but it fails…
1 answer

Run community chef cookbook

I want to configure a mailserver on AWS with this cookbook: I have chef-client and chef-dk installed. I have downloaded the package and changed the cookbook attributes with my personal…
1 answer

Can't use chef-zero with vagrant files

I have a Vagrant (1.7.2) set up with 2 vms. I want to use chef (latest version now 12?) to provision them. I am trying to get one to be a nagios server and the other to be a machine monitored with nagios. When using the built in chef-zero vagrant…
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