Questions tagged [cgi]

Cgi is the common gateway interface, used for interactive webpages.

274 questions
3 answers

Setting up an http proxy to use a web interface?

EDIT (8-23): For clarity I'm looking for an alternative to using web proxy scripts (Glype, PHProxy, etc.) by using proxy software like Squid or Privoxy. I want this new method to operate the same way as a web proxy script, where the user types in a…
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1 answer

Issue with high server load centos

I'm having some major issues with one of my servers. Server load is extremely high: load average: 142.28, 144.80, 139.6 The server is running Centos 6 and has a Perl image sharing script running on it. The server has moderate traffic but for some…
2 answers

Can I use a .py file as a stylesheet for html5

I have python generating my stylesheets in my html4 site (random background). Now I'm wanting to convert to html5 and I'm wondering if I can use a .py file in my css link The site is currently running…
  • 95
1 answer

Display static pages with a RAND seed, expiry?

In Apache, is there any way (using scripts like CGI and PHP, etc.) that will fetch all static content (html, images, and files within a specified size range) and send it to the user as a randomized link, set with a (30 minute for example)…
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