Questions tagged [centos6.2]

65 questions
1 answer

Need help for installing coova-chilli on CentOS

I managed to install coova-chilli with freeradius and postgresql via apt-get and chilli's deb package in Ubuntu. And it works. For a couple of days, I'm struggling to install the same in CentOS 6.2. Here is what I have done: Installed freeradius…
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3 answers

CentOS fresh iLO install, no internet connectivity (yum, wget etc. fail)

I've installed a fresh copy of the latest CentOS via iLO (HP's integrated lights out 2). The setup type was Web Server. My server doesn't seem to be able to connect to the Internet anymore. I've lost the old settings for DHCP and hostname but I have…
3 answers

Where should I go to research this error message?

Working to get a CentOS / Apache / PHP stack running... At this point, I have SSH access, and in the Bash, can use php to do simple math; so I know the php is on the machine and working, (sorta). Also, Apache must be okay; I can stop and start it…
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3 answers

Error while compiling PHP on CentOS 6.2 with cPanel

I am getting this error while trying to configure PHP 5.4.0 RC6 on my CentOS 6.2 server with cPanel: configure: error: libXpm.(a|so) not found. The full error configure is below as well as the configure output: checking for grep that handles long…
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how to know linux server reboot reason

I've a linux server previously it was on physical machine. Physical machine was getting stuck and i had to reboot it. I shifted it to xen vm. After shifting to Xen vm its now rebooting. Its doing the same behavior like physical machine just…
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