Questions tagged [centos6.2]

65 questions
5 answers

Can't Login to phpPgAdmin

I'm trying to set up phpPgAdmin on my test machine so that I can interface with PostgreSQL without always having to use the psql CLI. I have PostgreSQL 9.1 installed via the RPM repository, while I installed phpPgAdmin 5.0.4 "manually" (by…
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2 answers

CentOS default ssl.conf file

Does anybody have a default ssl.conf file for the latest version of CentOS? I am trying to understand if I can use the auto-generated SSL certificate, but I accidentally overwrote it with another ssl.conf file.
Adrien Hingert
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3 answers

Running SSHD on multiple ports on CentOS release 6.2 (Final)

I am running CentOS release 6.2 (Final). I want the sshd port of listen on ports 22 and 1022. I have add the following lines to /etc/ssh/sshd_config: Port 22 Port 1022 and restarted sshd and turned iptables off however I cannot connect to sshd on…
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3 answers

Turn off email notification from abrt (Automatic Bug Reporting Tool)

I'm configuring CentOS 6.2 and have seen a few "[abrt] full crash report" emails. I understand that abrt is useful for creating crash dumps and what not, so I don't want to disable the service, I just would like to stop getting the crash report…
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yum update entire release but limit to a prior version

We need to update yum update but we want to stay one release back. For example, we have CentOS 6.2 and want to move to 6.3. By default, it looks like yum update will install 6.4. On RedHat, this may be done with the subscription-manager. However,…
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7 answers

Yum update not working on CentOS 6.2 minimal install

Note: This is my first question on the stack exchange network so please give mercy and provide guidance where needed. I have installed a CentOS 6.2 KVM guest and I am having problem getting yum to work. This is my first time working with CentOS so I…
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2 answers

CentOS install proftpd with yum

Server: CentOS 6.2 64bit How can I install Proftpd using yum? A search for the package doesn't find it: yum list proftpd Error: No matching Packages to list Although my CentOS 6 VPS does find it, but this server doesn't. I have read I need to…
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2 answers

MySQL 5.1 vs MySQL 5.5 (5.1 twice as fast)

I recently installed MySQL 5.1 on CentOS 6.2 and had a performance gain over the MySQL 4.1 we are running. So I upgrade the MySQL 5.1 to MySQL 5.5 to see if there was even more of a gain but it actually ran half the speed of the MySQL 5.1 setup. The…
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2 answers

Writing permission with VSFTPD and Centos 6.2

I have a server with centos 6.2 with httpd and vsftpd. I have few web site in /var/www and i want to add a ftp user for each site. My user1 home directory is /home/user1 and can read/write to it folder from ftp. (it's the user i use to ssh and…
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1 answer

Specifying which network interface to use

Assuming multiple network interfaces (eth0, eth1...), how can I specify which one I would like to use?: Can I specify per-application which network interface should be used? Can I specify system-wide which network interface should be used (without…
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1 answer

Starting a service only after another one is completely started (on CentOS)

I have installed on my CentOS server postgresql service and another one called netnfork. The 'netnfork' service starts only after postgresql starts. netnfork init script: #!/bin/sh # # netnfork init # # chkconfig: 2345 99 15 # description:…
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1 answer

Setting up LDAP connection between CentOS and Windows server 2008

I am running a virtual setup with vSphere, with two virtual machines, one running CentOS 6 and the other running Windows server 2008 The idea is to use LDAP to connect from the CentOS (as a client) to the Windows Server 2008 (as a server), and…
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1 answer

centos 6.2 gives read permission denied when root has set read permissions to all users

Installing Dropbox on Centos 6.2 owned by root. Demonstrating that the dropbox folder is owned by root with read permissions to all "root" user gives read permissions to all users [root@localhost Dropbox]# ls -la total 436 drwxr--r--. 6 root root …
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2 answers

sSMTP Unable to send message using external mail server SMTP

I'm trying to finish up my Nagios install by having it email me. It was emailing me using /bin/mail so it always got sent to my spam folders. I installed sSMTP to try to send a request to my work's email server to be able to send out a message from…
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4 answers

Is it safe to delete log files?

I found out that few files seem to pile up in size using this command: find / -size +50M Most of them are log files, so I would like to know if it's safe to delete the log files. the log files in question…
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