Questions tagged [bridge-router]

25 questions
1 answer

BVI vs Bridge routers

What is the difference between BVI and Bridge on Cisco IOS routers?
700 Software
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Using Wireguard on a VPS to route all traffic from a client and a server (both Linux) behind NAT

I have two Linux machines, a client (C) in one country and a server (S) in another one. I want to route all traffic from C to S, and therefore a VPN would be the best solution for me, but both C and S are behind NAT, and the ISP does not allow port…
Simone Aonzo
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2 answers

DHCP not working for bridged QEMU virtual machine

Environment: A router with DHCP server. This router manages a subnet of A host with Ubuntu 20.04 installed, and it has a NIC named eno0. A QEMU virtual machine running on host. Purpose: Bridge the virtual machine with host's NIC to…
Douglas Su
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0 answers

Routing traffic from a bridge interface (with IP assigned) to another network on a different local interface

I'm on Ubuntu 20.04 and am running virtual machines (KVM) locally that are attached to a bridge interface on the host. The bridge (and all VMs attached to it) are getting their IPs via DHCP from a DSL/router on the same network. The bridged…
1 answer

Modify RDNSS in Router Advertisements on Linux/pfsense/OpenWrt

I have a linux box that acts as a bridge behind my ISP's modem-router. The reason I need bridge mode is because the ISP router doesn't support IPv6 prefix delegation. If I use my additional linux box in bridge mode, this will naturally "forward"…
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How to set up a PPPoE connection on a router which connects to the Internet through another router

My ISP has given me a router on which I don't have permission to set up the configuration (well, the important part at least. It's in bridge mode, ISP says). To connect to the Internet, I have to create a PPPoE connection on my computer. I want to…
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1 answer

Convert wifi to wired using wireless router

I have a TP-Link WR740N, a Raspberry Pi (With only an ethernet port for Network), and a Wifi connection. Is it possible to use the wireless router to bridge the Pi with the Wifi connection?
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How do I configure a Huawei b520 ADSL router to work in bridge way?

I have a much better router now, Cisco e4200 but I still have to use the Huawei b520 router because the internet connection is using ADLS. I want to configure b520 to act in a bridge mode and be transparent because I want to be able to access the…
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I can't understand why

I have a raspberry pi 3 b+ with Raspbian Buster (10) and I am trying to build a router. I have setup the flowing programs: bind9 for local dns resolution hostapd for wifi hotspot bridge-utils to bridge several USB RJ45 network…
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1 answer

How to properly add more lan devices ? Home network

I have a small home network. 1 router with wifi and 4 lan ports. The problem is that I don't have enough lan ports and I want to extend it. I have a few possible solutions but I feel like none of them are good enough. Solution 1: …
dev devv
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