Questions tagged [benchmark]

Benchmarking is the process of gathering data about the performance of a system in different scenarios to measure the impact of changes to the system, to compare the system with other options, or to determine maximum capacity.

Benchmarking is the process of gathering data about the performance of a system in different scenarios to measure the impact of changes to the system, to compare the system with other options, or to determine maximum capacity.

Benchmarking is a multidisciplinary process and can require management, engineering, operations, data science. and user experience expertise.

A key concern when benchmarking is making sure the tests performed are analogous to how to system is actually used. When benchmarking a server, the following metrics may be considered (in addition to countless others):

  • Ping response time
  • Average Load
  • Number of Dropped Requests
  • Number of Concurrent Connections Possible
  • Power Consumption
271 questions
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Slow PHP response times from Apache Benchmark

I have a VPS running Apache (prefork mpm) with 1gb RAM and 2 x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 0 @ 2.00GHz. I setup 2 test files to run through Apache Benchmark: htmltest.html (basic HTML file which just displays some text) phptest.php (a completely…
1 answer

how to benchmark an ubuntu webserver using Jmeter and create a test report.?

I have an ubuntu webserver(LAMP) running a clients website.I have already created a test plan with jmeter, what i would like to know is how would we benchmark the server with Jmter and create a test report. Like the maximum number of concurrent…
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What are the performance implications of Hyper-threading for single Nehalem+ CPU?

I am choosing between two models of servers, the major difference between them being the the availability of Hyper-Threading. Servers in question are SYS-E32-1 and SYS-E32-3 from So you Start (an OVH brand) and use either Intel Xeon E3-1225 v2 or…
1 answer

How to benchmark a whole storage infrastructure

I'm a 100% sure that I'm not the first one to consider benchmarking a whole infrastructure, but yet I haven't found any relevant information on how to face this challenge. As I guess we all know what we are talking about, I will try to draw the…
1 answer

What's the AB Command to Test 1000 Concurrent Visitors

How can I perform an AB test with 1,000 concurrent visitors in just a second? Say in 1 second, there are 1000 visitors on my site. And in another second there are 1800. In Another second again (3 seconds) there are already 3,000 visitors? So the…
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3 answers

File system benchmark that generates I/O from distribution of file sizes

I am looking for a file system benchmarking tool to test CephFS. This benchmarking tool has to: Generate a set of files (call it fileset) following a particular distribution, e.g., gamma, empirical, non-archival, or fitted whatever, etc. Based on…
3 answers

Is an I/O benchmark made for hardware an accurate assessment of a Windows VM's performance under vSphere 5?

We support an enterprise application running on Windows Server 2008 R2. One of our customers has chosen to install to VMWare, and what I'm finding is that the VM's are relatively slow compared to hardware. Our product development team has advised…
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Solaris iSCSI read speeds increase when we start writing

Here's one I haven't seen before. We have an IBM Storwize V3700 storage array, 24 TB, RAID 5 connected to a Solaris 10 file server via an iSCSI link over Gigabit Ethernet (no MPIO at present). We have two volumes on the RAID array: c2t602d0 -…
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1 answer

Issue with Dovecot connection staying alive : memory or configuration issue?

I had a similar question posted a while ago, and I Thought it fixed my issue, but that was unfortunately not the case. I have a benchmark application which connects about 500 users to a Dovecot 2.2.5 mailserver using IMAP (plaintext auth, no SSL).…
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1 answer

Mysql general query log tool to play back queries in time?

I am trying to reproduce production activity in time for benchmarking purposes from the mysql general query log. I'd like to be able to use the date data from the log to reprduce the time intervals between queries. So if query 1 executes at 9AM and…
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How to fill up linux cache?

I am well aware on how to drop (e.g. /sbin/sysctl vm.drop_caches=3 ) caches in Linux, but for benchmarking I'd like to do the reverse, fill up the caches up to 100% RAM if possible. How would I do that pragmatically?
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I/O wait values on SSD vs. SATA disks

I have a task where I should benchmark two servers, one that has a RAID10 SATA configuration and second server has RAID10 SSD configuration. Both servers would be placed as gateway mail server and should provide us an approximate value how much…
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lighttpd: SMP workers causing performance degrade

I am trying to increase the performance of my lighttpd system by using SMP workers for multiple cores.It turns out that instead of improving the performance it is degrading it. I dont seem to understand why this is the case. The documentation…
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standard platform performance test

We're currently running our application on Heroku and are seeing the limitations of its platform (mainly due to the cost of scaling). We're looking to run our own setup on something like Amazon. There are a few competitors out there in the Cloud…
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How can I test what kind of server specs do my website require for 1000 concurrent users?

My website is similar to this. Same concept. I expect 1K concurrent connections to my website. The website; Uses Laravel 3, Partially Memcaches queries, Mostly CRUD work, AJAX enabled. I currently host it on a random…