Questions tagged [benchmark]

Benchmarking is the process of gathering data about the performance of a system in different scenarios to measure the impact of changes to the system, to compare the system with other options, or to determine maximum capacity.

Benchmarking is the process of gathering data about the performance of a system in different scenarios to measure the impact of changes to the system, to compare the system with other options, or to determine maximum capacity.

Benchmarking is a multidisciplinary process and can require management, engineering, operations, data science. and user experience expertise.

A key concern when benchmarking is making sure the tests performed are analogous to how to system is actually used. When benchmarking a server, the following metrics may be considered (in addition to countless others):

  • Ping response time
  • Average Load
  • Number of Dropped Requests
  • Number of Concurrent Connections Possible
  • Power Consumption
271 questions
0 answers

Strange behavior when benchmarking a Rails application

I was making some benchmarks on my Rails application before releasing it in production. When running Apache benchmarks with only 2000 requests and 10 concurrency level I have seen that the last 20% of requests are very long and went from 200 ms to…
2 answers

Troubling AB benchmarking result?

I'm a real noob when it comes to sys admin. I'm running an app on an EC2 MicroInstance. Before I launch publicly, I want to make sure that I hit a minimum level of performance. I'm trying out some stress testing but I've struggled to find good…
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Is it possible that my VPS is outperforming my dedicated server?

VPS specs: Linode 512 (more info) Dedicated server specs: Dual Atom (more info) john -test on the Dedicated server john -test on the Linode
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1 answer

What is the best way to estimate hosting/server costs?

Possible Duplicate: Good sites for discussing specific hosting provider/server specification scenarios I'm currently developing a web app that is built on the LAMP stack. I want to know how I can estimate how much bandwidth, storage, processing,…
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2 answers

Cloud suited for benchmarking

Sorry for possible double post : I moved this question from stackoverflow, since it fits better here. I use Amazon EC2 as my working machine, which is all dandy. But I also need to run CPU intensive benchmarks and here EC2 is not suited, since the…
Bo Jensen
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3 answers

Packets Per Second and Packet Size

Switches are routers are generally benchmarked in packets per second instead data transfer. In particular, Cisco benchmarks packets per second (PPS) at 64-Byte sized packets. For example a switch is benchmarked at 50 mpps (Million Packets per…
Kyle Brandt
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1 answer

Benchmarking hosting providers IO with Bonnie

Ok, because of a bunch of projects I'm working on I've access to dedicated Servers on a 3 hosting providers. As an experiment and for educational purposes I decided to see if I could benchmark how good the IO is with each. Bit of research lead me to…
2 answers

Need help trying to diagnose Symmetrix SAN performance issues

I am helping to benchmark hardware for a new SQL Server instance, and the volume presented to the OS for the data files is carved from a set of spindles on a Symmetrix SAN. The server has yet to have SQL Server installed, so the only activity on the…
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2 answers

ApacheBench: Request times going into the ether

I have an Apache server that's proxying to Tomcat via mod_jk. I've set up a custom log in Apache to log the access times: LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b %D" transfertimes CustomLog /path/to/transfer-times.log transfertimes I'm running…
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Test load on Web Server

I want to benchmark my server to the best configuration for Apache and MySql. I want you to ask if do you know any script that simulates various users browsing on the website? PD: I'm using DebianThanks
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2 answers

How to simulate high video payload to benchmark an SSD?

I'm trying to evaluate some SSDs for a video on-demand use-case. We've done some benchmarking tests on them, but we'd like to get an idea of the number of video streams that they can support with a more realistic load test than typical benchmark…
1 answer

Verify server performance

I'm looking for a quick and SIMPLE way to verify that new servers are performing as expected. The most important metric is disk performance, second is network performance. I’m trying to prevent problems caused by misconfiguration of RAID arrays, NIC…
1 answer

Oracle DB emulator

Don't now if its a right place to ask, so if not please give me a hint. I need some software that do can emulate how Oracle DB works with disks (NOT ORACLE WORKLOAD TOOL). I've already took a look at solutions kinda Benchmark Factory (Quest…
1 answer

Accurately benchmarking a server

I'm getting a server ready for production, and I'm trying to accurately estimate how much it can handle. For example, on one of the static pages (the whole page is the same all the time), If I run apache benchmark on it, I can get anywhere between…
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2 answers

Is there a way to limit how fast apachebench connects to the server?

I'm trying to stress test a particular PHP script that forces a a very large file to download, but specifically when clients with slow connections are making the request. I also want to concurrently test how the rest of the site performs under such…
Chris Bloom
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